i got mind hacked in to buying this game i think

Small bombs! Gohdatrice is real!

I think i'm one of 5 people who played with the pachinko sprites.

Fun mystery, charming characters and a style that left me wanting 20 more of these games.

I love picross, and I'll take it in any form I find it.

This game alone makes it worth it to play The Witness.

My first fighting game I actually tried learning. Ridiculously fun and surprisingly simple to pick up.
I can't compare it to any other games of its genre as its the only one I've tried; however, I thought what I played was fantastic.

God what a fucking stupid fun game.

Fun game that feels like a prelude to the Stanley parable.

The best Digimon game in a decade, which isn't saying much.
However, as a Digimon fan, you learn to appreciate even the mediocre.

Definitely don't dismiss this game just because of its age; it is truly great and the start of the souls series.

A fantastic sequel to Demon Souls with incredible level design.

A game undeserving of most of its critiques.

A classic deserving of all its praise.