This rating is for Born From the Wish alone.
Maria's story in this is subversive and adds a lot of depth to Maria's character in the original game.

I played the PS2 version and its amazing how well they used the hardware capabilities to its max. From the art direction, gameplay the ost everything felt precise and intentional, it all comes together so perfectly by the end.
Its the kind of game that lingers on...I can't stop thinking about it

Step up from the Doom 2016 in every possible way. I found Doom 2016 dull, and insanely boring after the initial gore rush. I was getting new gear but I didn't feel like I was progressing in any way. Felt underwhelming.
This on the other hand feels much more dynamic, no gun is worthless and every enemy is a puzzle, more accurately every enemy has an efficient way to be dealt with, and how you efficiently deal with multiple enemies, constantly switching weapons and managing inventory feels like a puzzle to be solved. While Doom 2016 allowed players to play really aggressively, it is damn near impossible to play this game any other way, you have to be constantly moving. The game doesn't hold the player's hands at all, you CANNOT beat the game without learning and mastering all of the mechanics.
The gore is satisfying as always and the soundtrack is godlike. The platforming sections do not feel out of place and give a nice change of pace.
This is without any doubt the best shooter I've ever played.


Following the game's announcement in late 2020, Stray quickly became a very highly anticipated game for me. The concept of playing a cat in a dystopian world occupied only by robots is so immediately arresting; I am genuinely shocked how nothing like this has been done before (I hope this game starts a trend tho! >_<). After more than a year of anticipation, I finally played and finished it, was disappointing.
No, it does not mean I don't like the game; in fact, I like it quite a bit, only that it was not really what I expected. I think the gameplay reveal promised us a more stealth-focused game, and I'm not sure if I'm the only one here. The final product is more in the vein of Inside or a Limbo, with a hefty focus on puzzle solving and some exploration and environmental storytelling. The narrative on its own is very simple and sweet, and I liked it quite a bit. The story is told through minimal dialog, and it's because of the detailed and beautiful world the characters inhabit and the ost that it comes to life. I'll be honest, the ending did make me tear up a little.
The best part of the game, however, are the very subtle but detailed animations. The movements feel very natural and realistic. It is very impressive. Doing little cat-things like scratching carpets and pushing items down from the roof feel really good. The animations are cute and very pleasing to the eyes. The soundtrack is a highlight too.
The gameplay though, is a mixed bag. The gameplay can be divided into three segments:- exploration, puzzles, and stealth sections. The exploration is easily the most fun of the three. The slums and Midtown areas of the game are very elaborate semi-open world sections. You can talk to almost everyone, interact with objects lying around, and do side missions. The puzzles are...not very good. They swing between being overly simple and too obtuse, and it rarely ever feels great solving them. The stealth also feels weird. It can lead to tense situations sometimes, which is good. Still, it is too simple, and you are basically doing the same stealth sections over and over again. It does not take that much of the game, so it is not exhausting, but I can't help but feel it's a missed opportunity. ( also, given I was expecting it to be a full stealth game :/)

So overall brilliant art direction, intricate animations and a cute story do kind of makeup for its lackluster gameplay and I would still recommend it. The way the game ends can lead to a future sequel, and I'm hopeful they can fix some of the problems I have with it.
Also, I would highly recommend you give Night In the Woods and Inside a shot if you liked Stray.