60 Reviews liked by PikaTyler

Really great game. Love how american it is. But to be honest I hate how they call themselves the "Elite Beat Agents", why nto something cooler like the "Crazy Music Individuals"?
If you want my full thoughts, watch this video here. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qoaQZ9cdVWc

My honest rating ^ dont worry

Highly recommend for how in depth the settings are. There’s even a switch that lets me cause everyone who has ever opposed me to die of a heart attack.

Can the people shitting on this solely for its plot just accept that Zelda games never had good stories to begin with?

"Hey there, fellow gamers! Welcome back to another totally wacky review on this channel where we dive deep into the weirdest, wildest games out there. And boy, do we have a doozy for you today! Get ready to strap in and take a trip to the bizarre town of Chulip!"

First things first, let's talk about the plot of this game. Or, should I say, the lack thereof! You play as a kid who just moved to a new town and, for some reason, decides that the key to making friends is... kissing people? Yeah, you heard that right. Your main goal in Chulip is to wander around town planting smooches on everyone and everything in sight. Because apparently, that's how you make friends in this universe! Forget about making small talk or bonding over shared interests – just pucker up and plant one on 'em!

But wait, it gets even weirder. Not only are you going around town playing tonsil hockey with random NPCs, but you're also dodging hazards like angry dogs, falling rocks, and even giant butt-shaped creatures. I kid you not, there's a boss in this game that's literally a giant butt. And you thought your day was weird!

And let's not forget about the... ahem... unique art style of Chulip. Imagine if Tim Burton dropped acid and decided to make a video game – that's basically what you're getting here. The characters are all exaggerated and cartoonish, with creepy grins plastered on their faces as you approach them for a kiss. It's like something out of a fever dream, and I can't decide whether to laugh or run away screaming.

Now, you might be wondering, "But what's the point of all this weirdness?" And honestly, your guess is as good as mine! Chulip doesn't seem to have much of a point beyond being a surreal, absurd experience. It's like the developers sat down and said, "Let's make a game that's so weird, players won't know whether to laugh or cry." Mission accomplished, I guess?

But hey, credit where credit's due – Chulip does have some redeeming qualities. The soundtrack is surprisingly catchy, with quirky tunes that'll have you tapping your foot even as you question your life choices. And there's a certain charm to the game's offbeat humor, even if it does leave you scratching your head more often than not.

In the end, Chulip is the kind of game that's not for everyone. If you're looking for a straightforward, coherent experience, you're definitely in the wrong place. But if you're up for a wild, unpredictable ride through the strangest town you'll ever visit, then hey, why not give it a shot? Just be prepared to have your mind blown – and maybe your stomach turned – along the way. And remember, folks: sometimes, you've just gotta embrace the weirdness. Because in a world as crazy as this, what else is there to do?


Right now it’s alright, definitely not good. I dont know what the whole “fart squax” thing is about though

i would surprisingly go as far to say the best thing about this game is the soundtrack album that released a year after the original 64dd game. Seriously one of the coolest listens ever, as well as asano’s other albums (Genny Haniver and Spacewatch) offering much more different but equally amazing atmospheric post rock in general.

I get why people complain about the lack of gameplay for doshin the giant but I personally really really love what this game is going for, a chill experience with what seems like little to do at first, but grows into an experience you end up enjoying because you realize the relaxing vibes are really all it goes for. I also kind of like to treat it as some avant garde thing as well, with the interesting themes of uhh… the cycle of life explored especially near the ending which I imagine can be left to many different interpretations. Still really love this game standing on its own as one of the most fascinating things Nintendo technically released still, and the fact that it was a 64dd exclusive game at first of all things is incredible to me.

I’m like Nagito Komaeda except instead of wanting to destroy despair, I want to destroy mid

Pokémon fans discovering basic roguelike trends and even more basic storytelling for the first time and hailing both of those as a masterpiece because they clear the low bar of mainline Pokémon slop

You don't save Mort when leaving the tower so what's the fucking point

the fact that the general consensus is that this is the best the franchise gets is a hilarious testament to how idiotic this fanbase is.

literally the funniest fucking game ever made beside pikmin 2