Hits like a freight and leaves you with a mental parasite so you never forget it

A wonderful little romp that reminded me of my times playing RPG Maker games like Mad Father, Witches House and Ib only with RTX enabled. Little Goody Two Shoes has the most incredible artistic style and direction that I've seen from the genre with every set piece, sprite, cutscene and goofy little minigame dripping with personality that really makes it feel like a story book turned video game that feels inspired by early anime and Disney and I've found myself rewatching the opening cutscene several times just because of how fuggin good it looks.

The sound track as well is also phenomenal with some wonderful variety, I'm especially fond of some of the songs that play just while you're walking around town or interacting with characters that really add to the small town feel, with some tracks even reminding me of Stardew Valley at times.

I also like that the game is very gay, incredibly gay, the mostest gay where every romance option is exclusively lesbian, and that warms my little gay heart. Lebkuchen best girl.

Uhhhh yea gayme good, play it, bye :))

Have not played a game as buggy or temperamental as this since FNAF: SB, constant crashes in various game states, checkpoints and saves not loading and being unable to swap between tactical equipment being some of the most common issues I had. When the game worked it was very fun with some great combat mechanics as well as enemy and weapon variety, it's just the game never did work in a bug free state for longer than maybe 15 minutes at a time.