Lego the hobbit is truly one of the lego games of all time. the combats fine, the levels are fine, the characters selection are fine and the open world is fine. What sucks is that it's the ONLY lego game that is not completed. its completley missing the battle of the five armies movie making the game feel incomplete. The game is fine but the lack of a DLC really ways it down.

this game sucks ass. Fuck you Dyliza for telling me to buy this.

It's not a bad Mario Kart by any means but I dont think I'll ever revist it again.

Best sprite work, Best enemys, and some of the best levels out of any of the original 2d mario games.

Unlike most games, I hated Batlefront 2s campaign. It was just boring and I thought Iden Versio was uninteresting as a main character. The multiplayer side is pretty fun (even though it's beyond dead) but it's ultimately ruined by the lootboxes. Overall, Battlefront 2 is as mid as 3rd person shooters get. Still better than the classic collection.

this game is the Greatest Of All Time

its angry birds... but star wars... wow...

This is what all live service games should strive to be like. after over 6 years sea of thieves is still going strong with a loyal fanbase, multiple collaborations with Disney and updates that keep the game feeling fresh and intersting. Sea of thieves truly has something for everyone: more into story centred games? tall tales. Like PvP? The hourglass. Only play single player games? Safer seas. Skull and Bones could never.

definitely my favourite of the Call Of Duty campaign. It's grounded in enough realism to be believable but also feels like an old action movie. I just wish it was longer.

fun hack and slash though the story completley ruins raidens character.

pretty fun metal gear. my only gripe is that the boss battles take ages.

mid game. Story is confusing but the gameplay is fun

I dont think this game deserves all the hate it gets. that is all I will say.

MGSV is a weird Metal Gear game. The combat and stealth mechanics are the best out of any game, and while extremly bare, the open world dose provide an easy way to approach any mission how the player sees fit. I also think its cool that you're actually able to walk around on mother base, unlike in peace walker. the only thing really waying down MGSV (besides the fact that its incomplete) is the story. at times it feels all over the place and feels like its trying to tell too many storys at once. There are like also like, 3 different endings. Konami also apparently forgot to add in new levels because all of chapter 2 is just repeated levels from chapter 1. MGSV is not without flaws but it's still a fun game and a decent entry into the metal gear series.