NOTE: this is more of an initial thoughts and feelings than a full review. As I have only played a few hours after spending lots of time playing with it as a kid.

Fantastic Main menu music. Charming car noises play when options are selected, feels like a lot of car went into the production.
Variety of accessibility options and settings to alter the experience you get, the ability to choose what type of physics simulation you would like to race under is cool choice , though I haven tried them all to find the differences in gameplay.

Gameplay: Fun, tracks are interesting and unique, they use the size of the RC cars to their advantage with lots of level changes, Jumps and intersecting paths and a variety of starter Cars to choose from with more to unlock(0 unlocked so far), though I haven't put too many hours into it yet. Enemy Racers are quite tough opponents and I am finding the game quite challenging so far.
Handling can be a bit unpredictable and I assume quite close to actual RC cars.
Power-Ups are a bit useless sometimes but I have yet to really get into the nitty-gritty of using them yet.

I kept hoping it would get better but looking at reviews (maybe I shouldn't of) it is the same throughout, I found the writing quite boring and it felt very hand holdy eg. go here go here etc. Combat was somewhat fun when you got to it but it honestly felt like such a chore to get through the dialogue. If you're a fan of visual novels and Digimon it's probably worth your time, otherwise I would give it a miss.

Fun fighting game, I never got deep in the mechanics but there's a lot to love in these games, had great guest characters.

I actually didn't mind this game to much as a kid, though I could never beat the first boss

Was honestly such a fun game early on, but started to drain and eventually became something I wouldn't even consider

Fun when I was younger but unless its remade in a way that makes it as fun as the original was, it's hard to go back to.

A fun, addictive puzzle game with Pokemon theme for the kids! Worth a play if you want a solid puzzler and you're feeling nostalgic

If I played it now, im feeling it would be incredibly dated, but I enjoyed it even though I never got very far.

Fond memories of Playing this with family at Christmas times.

Great mini games, is how I spent most of my time with this game. Main game is similar to the first but with more options, but as I mainly played as a child cant comment on fun of strategy. May pick up again at some point.

I used to play the mini games more as a kid which were fun but not as good as stadium 2. The main game boils down to a strategy heavy battle game, I really like the idea especially with the different levels and availability of all Pokemon and using different teams to maximise your strategies. Unfortunately I never got heavy into this aspect as a child but may revisit in future to explore.

Campaign was fun, multiplayer was enjoyable for a while. Pretty standard shooter.

Great game, is a fun shooter with plenty of great movement mechanics, never got into the multiplayer as much as I would've liked but the single player has some great unique levels that use fun mechanics and I like that.

A great game! Changed the Zelda formula up and did it so well. I still haven't beat blight ganon but have fond memories of this game, might have to go back and play but not looking forward to experiencing the mechanics that were improved upon in ToTK.