I like it less than Replicant to be honest, but still unique experience as well.
Again, soundtrack by Keiichi Okabe & MONACA made in heaven.
Story is very good too. Starting with Route C, it’s just amazing. My favorite is Ending D.
Yui Ishikawa is outstanding.

I really loved the story and action in this one. From here I’ve discovered Mick Gordon discography & it changed my life.

I still think it was overhated back there in 2015. I think it’s right sequel to Human Revolution. Score by Michael McCann, Sonic Mayhem & Ed Harrison not reached level of HR but still very good.
Hope there’s gonna be third part & we get very good trilogy.

I think in my childhood I was thinking that was peak gaming. And I’m still thinking same.
All that golden & yellow design, architecture, magical score by Michael McCann created for me best gaming experience ever.

Need to revisit it soon too.

It was the love from the first sight. The best game ever. So far this industry couldn’t offer better than this for me.
Christopher Larkin soundtrack is something magical that I still can’t process.
I’m finally done with “Path of Pain” and last pantheon this year and can definitely say - best gaming experience ever (so far).

Waiting for Silksong :)

Yeah, there are some roughly places, but still it’s such an unique experience.
Of course, soundtrack by Keiichi Okabe & MONACA is one of the best scores ever in gaming.
Ending C / D shattered me.


Very very beautiful experience! Artstyle is so fluid & perfect
Story is beautiful & very good as well.
Score by Berlinist is absolutely fantastic!


Absolutely gorgeous & fast-paced action game.
Mick Gordon score is perfect as always

Very good DLC to The New Order. “The Partisan” by Mick Gordon & Tex Perkins is masterpiece.

Better than the first one. They really said “fuck it” and have given themselves carte blanche to do anything.
Mick Gordon (with Martin Stig Andersen) doing wonders again with its score.

I still think it’s my 2023 GOTY. Even if it’s DLC it’s so fucking good.
Story - perfect. Characters - perfect. Locations design - perfect. Music - perfect.
I had chills when “Phantom Liberty” started playing in end credits. Absolutely gorgeous.

When Kratos said to Atreus “son” instead of “boy” I had goosebumps.
Bear McCreary done unreal soundtrack to this one.

THE Spider-Man game. Ending destroyed me.