1 Game, 1 Song

I pick 1 song per game to showcase. Sometimes it might be what I think is the best song in the game, other times it's just my favorite song. Includes DLCs if they're separate campaigns. I might also cheat a little bit with remakes/ remasters.

Snowboard Race. Lots of right answers in this OST though.
The Hub. I guess YouTube recently nuked this game's OST. :(
Tim 1 Windows 95 version I guess?
Winding Wetlands. This game surprisingly has a lot of decent ones.
Lagoon Promenade A great remix of the DK Isle theme from the DK64.
Me: [doing something very important]
My Brain: Toreador
Hard to say with this one because most if not all of it is licensed rock/metal music (including Metallica™©®), so I guess I'll go with what is apparently(???) Carpe Diem Baby.
Area 1. Unsurprisingly, this also serves as the same exact OST for Elevator Action on GameBoy Color.


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