The first game i ever owned and played. One of the best lego games btw

yeaj ngl i dont know what they were thinkin for this one

Pretty fun, just kinda short (as with most kirby games)

it's actually not that bad. Having megas and Z moves in one game was pretty nice. I used to play it on long car rides before i got my switch

my first pokemon game, not that great ngl

PEAAAAKKKK I LOVE THIS GAME (just wish it got a port ngl)

No Bill :(
ook but fro tho this shit is kinda ass

i have so many childhood memories with this game, but honestly I realize now that it's just kinda ook. It's fun with friends, but in terms of content and actual gameplay it's hella lackluster unfortunately. Also modding support sucks ass

even without mod's this game is amazing
Minecraft WHOO??

i just can't get myself into fighting games.. they're wayyy too much of a commitment


very cool and epic, can't wait for the full thing

this game is so good it actually got me into metriodvanias
(too scared to beat it.. for NOW)

haven't beat it yet but come on bro, its peak regardless