I am not so much into rhythm games but this is a fine one. Six styles of minigames and they all merge really well with the unique style of Gainax animes and Grasshoper Manufacture. They don't do anything crazy with this one but was unexpected to see how creative it its.

Just gets better every time I try again in evert aspects. The gunplay feels good, the side content always surprises with the solutions, the characters are all great, soundtrack never gets tired (even if I still prefer Fallout 3 in this by a lot), the factions and their lore, still a amazing game.

One of the best examples of what went wrong with mainstream games

I never liked the option that smalls things makes something worse but in the case of this game I must say I understand this feeling now. The general combat is great, Mugen with the freestyle break dance have some really cool ideas and with him the game feels like a beta HI Fi Rush and Jin with the more quick and precise stuff is amazing too. The movesets based on rhythm, the town, the presentation, story is all cool stuff. But man some decisions are just shit.

The game having the tracks only being based on the movelist you have make them boring really quick, the enemies being way more dumb that what is needed, Mugen having no game desing within his levels, not making enemy encounter limited, the bosses being mostly bad. Is a great game, but with a lot of mistakes that don't let this one be on the top of Grasshoper Manufacture action catalog alongside Travis Strikes Again and No More Heroes 3.

The animations that you get from the stun combo are really cool

Nearly impossible to suprass the original but is really cool how they almost did it.

I wish japanese was more easy to learn

Replayed years after beating for the first time now with the Restored Mod.

My opinion didn't change much but the game grow a bit on me. I love how Kamurocho is presented in the PS2 games and how the weather makes everything such a mood. The combat is fine, is more a project than a final product but works anyway, just not so much fun as the others games in the series. The fact that the game is really shallow in content isn't a big deal considering that this is the first one and etc. Is pretty ok and this didn't change for me. What I was expecting was to start to like the story in this one but nah. The writing is good, the direction is really good, the voice acting is strange more because I am way more used with the actors knowing very well the characters and doing a "final" voice but works fine too. But man, it's just don't work without the new things they put. Yakuza 0, the movie prequel that is one of the best (if not the best one) video games adaptations, the Nishiki story in Kiwami. All of these things make the game hits hard on his Kiwami format but in the original? Not so much. I can understand why folks love this one more than the original but for me is more a concept project instead of a full game like Yakuza 2 is. It's really remember me of the Raidou Kuzunoha project in this sense but both Raidou works really fine.


I don't care if is a remaster or a Kiwami, I don't care if they fucked up the craft system, is Ishin. The gameplay, the side content, the history and how they handle the politics subject, the music, action, is all a master craft. All things that RGGS was trying to do have a pay off here and I am all for it, even if don't have the same punch effect in the emotions side like 5 did.

Smart on gameplay, smart on the writing, smart in the horror. Oh boy this one is good

Oh now I get it why people put this game in the same level as Silent Hill 2

Cool cast, more ambitious, more focus in the plot instead of writing and the soundtrack is very good. The game is really good, just didn't much in the thematic and using gameplay to expand the ideas like the original did.