The game is another Suda masterpice. But here my biggest hot take:

The game is not boring.

Tried to play this version since 5 is expensive to buy again and is surprisingly good? The five characters you can play are fun and you can even get some stuff for them. Would be a banger if you could get more characters playing online for a little time.


I really don't like Shadow of The Colossus that much, but Ico looks like my cup of tea and sure is. While the game have a serious problem with jump position since nothing is precise, every other thing is good. The combat is just smash button but in a way that make sense and for me is just fun to see a kid with a stick beating the shit out of a shadow little dude and have a good feel because of it. The puzzles are interesting, Yorda is a good IA and the game handles very well with the themes just using the gameplay. Is a cool experimental title that really deserve the hype his get. For sure a good classic.

The best and a bit of the worst of Resident Evill all in one

Now I can play my favorite minigame of Yakuza 5 on my PSP. Not so good as but still fun as hell. I really want to play the PSP and Arcade version now to compare with Y5 lmao

This one make me decided that I will only play more YSK games when I learn Japanese. Those game are pure gold without Japanese but can be way more enjoyable when you understand something like I could in Badass Rumble and in a bit of Gachitora.

Shenmue 3 isn't bad because they didn't try to learn from new games. Shenmue 3 is bad because they tried to do the same stuff modern games does, but without Yu Suzuki playing them.

New big world's to explore, with collectable stuff, lot to buy and customize and mini games while having the worst stamina bar I ever seen. Everything new Shenmue 3 does to the franchise is bad in gameplay, maybe the fish but that was very easy and only to farm money. I am sure someone showed to Suzuki the concept of substories from Yakuza and he tried to do without understanding. This game wouldn't be good if RGGS tried to make, this game would be good if he tried to be Shenmue 100% of the time. Give me more personal stuff by training like Ryo seeing his father mark on a tree, Ryo talking with Shenua about his life or calling a old friend, exploring the places in a interesting way. When the game does this, it was amazing, but no, only 2/3 hours of stuff to like.

The gameplay of Shenmue 1 and 2 was amazing, not so hard but I really like how training is the true definition of Shenmue as art (1 even finished with one) but here? Is a shit grind and more grind mini games with a new style made to be more accessible but without knowing how make a combat accessible. Is just grind RPG but with bad controls.

The more frustrating part? This game is so easy to tell why is bad but people only continue to missing the point of Shenmue. I like Eyepatch Wolf but man, the way he affects the view of this game only because he is bad at Shenmue was funny to see.

You have to be very much fun of the franchise for enjoy this. I want to Yu Suzuki finish his tale, I want to see how Ryo will fight Lan Di like a Yu Yu Hakusho fight but man, Shenmue 3 did make me think maybe is better to not see how this will end if a 4 game continues like this.

This is basically a old school arcade beat'up but with cool japanese police 80 asthetic. Not so good but love it

I love The Way of the Samurai series and was very hyped for Katana Kami. Is a unique concept and try to do something new with the gameplay, going from a Beat-up hack and slash with Rogue like elements for a full Rogue Like. They really do well with the combat and every arena, is not so unique like the others game but works well. Some things are not really good to do like switch swords in mid play or run but is not that big problem. My biggest problem with the game is more the RPG side of the franchise. In every game you have a short story that you can finish in 10 minutes or go full 5 hours. There's a lot of options and you can role play in any way you want, but here is just two options and this is kinda sad. I really liked the game but not so much as Way of the Samurai 2 or the cowboy spin-off. Besides that, I really recommend the game

The biggest problem with Virtua Fighter as a franchise is that the cast isn't interesting. All fighters looks like generic dudes (some have cool designs ideas) and they have cool movements at least. But even with a good combat I serious can't get in love with the franchise. There's nothing special about besides begin the first 3D fighting game. I didn't expect to this port fix that but even with they taking a thing or two from Tekken I still can't say I really like Virtua Fighter. Is fun and a good game but a bit meh at the same time.

Earth Defense Force was a series I played some games and have a lot fun but 4.1 made me fall in love. The level desing and the balance of the gameplay is top tier, the challenge is amazing, the co-op is my favorite in shooter games, OST is great. Is such a good game and with so much love in begin himself that made me smile just seeing my ranger dudes singing with me. This game is pure fun and heart with a silly but charming history. Serious, give a try.

To protect our mother earth from any alien attack!

I could give perfect but I still can't play the online and I like playing for a week until now

Very unique and cool. Really make justice for the franchise and have so many good ideas. The only problem is I cannot understand Japanese.

You don't have so much of characters to play but the game is really fun. Works well and the IA is good, fun to play for a bit when you are waiting for something.

I can't understand japanese yet, but holy fuck. YSK is one of my favorite developers here, Kenka Bancho Series have really good stuff and I can't wait to play Shinjuku no Okami but with Gachitora they really make one of my favorite jobs in PSP. Please give a try, even if you don't understand Japanese too.