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16 hrs ago

Poefred reviewed Kena: Bridge of Spirits
I was interested due to the beautiful art style but actually it ended up being THE last straw for me as far as being completely done with conventional modern game design. Just completely devoid of any meaningful gameplay innovations or ideas of its own. Playing this made me go 100% Dark Souls 2 instead, Kena leaves me begging for an ounce of inaccessible non-standard elements.

Just kinda gross to see an indie game suffer from much of the same stuff the AAA scene does. At least this game actually does look pretty and animate well, unlike most of its AAA contemporaries that only pretend to look the part. Despite that, I still end up bored by its lack of environmental variety, and the overall stylistic direction is too modern, wasting what should be an easy S tier aesthetic. It's a modern Playstation game it's not allowed to have interesting direction, deadpan minimalism with a focus on being vaguely cinematic is the prison food we gotta endure even in truly enjoyable games. Combat is engaging, puzzles are puzzling. It's well made but that means nothing to me when every element is just going through the motions a thousand other games have gone through. They've got the recipe for "good game" down to a soulless science and it drives me crazy.

I think I'm about 65%ish done with the game. I almost exclusively review games I've finished, and I do intend to actually finish this someday. It's just been a slow uphill battle with multiple months between sessions. I just really doubt I'll have much more to say playing more. Perhaps an updated review with more specifics if I decide I have more to say but this is about it. Definitely a studio to look out for, even if this wasn't for me it's not a pitiful first effort. I can see someone less jaded by playing hundreds of games for 20 years finding this phenomenal. I'd like to see them branch out and make something special. Though I worry the focus on next gen graphics and cinematic minimalism will continue to be a creative dead end.

17 hrs ago

1 day ago

Poefred reviewed Clive 'N' Wrench
You know that joke in the intro of Banjo nuts and bolts, where they make fun of collectathon platformers by pretending to start the game...And it's a bit where they fill every inch of spiral mountain with a floating nothing maguffin and go "yeah it's banjo tradition to collect as many pointless objects as possible" only to go "No this is too painful to watch no one wants this anymore". That joke is upsetting in the context of Banjo because the og games weren't like that in the slightest. They were adventure games that were fun to explore, not mindless collectathons where you're just guzzling down meaningless collectibles by the hundreds. That annoyingly reductive perception of the genre, is what this game genuinely is like.

I could easily ramble on about the overall unpolished nature of Clive 'n' Wrench, but I honestly can't say I find stuff like that to effect a game's quality. There's not a single game that has me going Wow it would be so great but ooo the glitches man it ruins the whole thing I have it in my heart to defend this game and say it controls well, your moveset is fun, and there's occasional aspects of this game that feel like someone put their heart and soul into it for ten years (because that's what happened). I love unloved 3D platformers man. Like yeah the swimming controls were clearly never figured out so they just never did any real swimming sections...And the final collectible refused to spawn until the third time I completed the mission....And after getting the achievement for 100%ing the game, it still said I was missing one collectible. To get my reward I had to find out online that there's a pot that infinitely spawns that may or may not be an intentional failsafe for that situation...And load times are somewhat bad even on PS5... So yeah, it's rough as hecc, I mean what other game in this genre has a glitchy collectibles counter like that? What other game in the genre doesn't have a level stats page for that matter...But anyway, literally none of that matters to me. Poorly made games can be fun. This game though, is pretty miserable.

My experience was a bit of a roller coaster. Starting with me ignoring this game due to its Nick Jr. mobile phone game lookin' artwork. Then I snagged it physically for like 3$ at gamestop and I found that it had an earnest albeit amateur style to it that I was kind of vibing with. And the first level taking place in a house while you're tiny had some Toy Story 2 game vibes and I was all for it. But very quickly I realized this game's fatal flaw that would get worse and worse as I got further.

This game is designed like Spyro Enter the Dragonfly. Which is to say, as I alluded to at the start, the main collectible is scattered by the literal thousands in every single inch of every map. Sometimes not even spaced 2 feet apart. It wants you to just arbitrarily step on every single possible location to collect them all. There's such a balance to a good collectathon, stuff like Banjo keeps every collectible feeling satisfying and important to collect. BK is designed AROUND the collectibles. 100 notes per level let's make sections specifically to hide a few notes in, or a platforming section for a jinjo, y'know some kind of game design. This game feels like they made a boring featureless map and filled it to the brim with as many collectibles it could fit to hide how little is going on. This game will really ask you to find ONE THOUSAND floating timepieces in a SINGLE level and has the gall to not actually design anything around collecting them. As far as I know there's no gates or anything, they're truly pointless unless you're going for 100%. Which makes me wonder if an any% playthrough of the game would be more enjoyable. I imagine it would leave me feeling less actively negative but no less unimpressed, as the star/jiggy equivalent here is also treated pretty poorly. Occasionally they feel good to find but there's a lot of repeat challenges and otherwise they're often just sitting out in the open. Something about them just doesn't feel that fun to collect.

Like I said, I have it in my heart to stick up for this game and say it's actually alright. This is the exact kind of thing I WOULD be into. I want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and I'm NOT joking. But good heavens man don't make Spyro Enter the Dragonfly your blueprint for collectathon world design. I almost want to try again and just ignore everything but the required coins, just so I can come back and give this a more respectable score like a 2 1/2 or something. But running around, my eyes glued to the featureless floor, picking up worthless floating things for 7 hours was pretty miserable I cannot lie. And if collecting things in your collectathon platformer with very little platforming in it is boring, there's only so much I can really say.

2 days ago

2 days ago

Poefred is now playing Final Fantasy XVI

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

Poefred liked TimAlien's list Math Games

8 days ago

Poefred commented on Snigglegros's review of Roblox
It's sad how genuinely seedy this game has gotten. There's still some fun stuff on there, it's practically its own game engine now. But as a general unit it's nothing like it used to be.

8 days ago

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