Soundtrack easily worth a point and a half here

Sad bastardization of what came before.

A supremely funny and charming game that's unfortunately held back by some obtuse adventure game elements. I still don't know of any other game where you can use your lockpick on your nose until you die.

As if I could add anything. You already know about this one.

All of the different mechanics it throws at you never really coalesce into anything worthwhile. It just feels like a bunch of different types of busy work.

And then some mechanics, like conflict with other outfits, are woefully underbaked. There are no tense negotiations or betrayals in this game because there's simply no diplomacy.

Levels aren't as memorable as Vermintide's, there are no subclasses like in Vermintide, getting equipment is a RNG nightmare-- but the base is good so maybe someday this will be worth a revisit.

One of the few perfect games. The soundtrack, the graphics, the variety, full couch co-op-- king of the SNES right here.

Crazy how good a Pokemon game can be when someone actually sits down and thinks through the design. Yes, the story is awful, but so is the story in every Pokemon game so..