A solid CO-OP experience that pathed the way for better titles

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Absolutely brilliant but frustrating ending

Flawless horror but horrible ending cripples it from being a master piece. Well worth playing

Unique art style with interesting choices. Decent finale but can't see myself playing again

Incredible visuals for the time ruined by game breaking bugs. Decent story. Plays exceptionally well today and still holds up very well to todays standards.

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Interesting premise let down by horrendous performance issues and.... "crispy critters"

Gorgeous art style let down by lack lustre story. Deserved better closure.

Continued greatness. Essential.

Kickstarted it's own action adventure genre. Incredible game, still enjoyable today. Essential for not only DC fans, gamers in general.

Enjoyable MP that we have always known and loved. War stories are unique and engaging. Perfect WW1 shooter.

The last truly great BF experience, if you can forget the first few months of issues.

Start of the downward trend, yet I still feel it gets judged too harshly.

Unplayable MP in 2023 due to cheaters but.