Idk how this series got popular after this game but I'm glad it did

I don't really get it. It's fine but it's very tedious. I don't understand why people adore this game.

Jank as fuck but has some value in playing as your favorite riders.

This season was ass. The Jungle was gigantic and so samey all the way through. The BP isn't very interesting and the Boomerang is awful.

Samus realises she's fucking sick of Metroids and kills Ridley kind of. She then runs at lightspeed out of a facility and saves a bunch of animals.

Pretty good!, Kinda dated and controls like shit but...yeah it's cool. Pretty decent level design until the last few levels where things get a bit convoluted. I played it when I was a kid but I didn't remember loads about it. Overall a pretty decent game.

What an incredibly charming and creative game, every level has something new and it surprises you around every corner. I wish playing as Yoshi didn't limit you significantly but other than that I don't really think this could be any better.

This is one of the worst things I've ever played. It's a miserable experience and honestly has some of the worst level design of any game. What an absolute pile of dogshit.

A brutally difficult game at times, the characters are all really well written and Ratchets development is great. The guns are really fun to use and each world is pretty interesting. The writing overall is still funny.

Gen 5 is one of the best Gens of the entire series. The designs are almost all fucking amazing, the region is memorable, the story is so good with great characters, the gameplay is fun and engaging overall.

Absolutely incredible game, the grind is a bit steep at times but this is the best way to experience one of the best regions.

Genuinely one of the best Gens, great music, great art, great Pokemon designs. It's aged a little bit but it's so much fun.

The best Pokemon games, genuinely peak overall. Wish they'd do this for a region again.

It's broken, completely broken in so many ways...the FPS is atrocious....and it's the best Pokemon game I've played in a decade. I love the characters so much and the freedom of exploring is so much fun. The designs are very different but still fun, you can tell there's a new head of art direction. Overall genuinely cool game.

Might be my GOTY. Comfy and charming every step of the way. The amount of joy I felt seeing any new Pokemon doing something cute or cool was unmatched by so many other games. I feel like I could see a Stunfisk coiling out a fat shit and find it cute at this point.