Super charming game, it can't bet much better than this. I initially gave it 4 and a half stars, but I can't see how this is not a five stars game as I write this.

Super charming. Lovely art, lots of good platforming with a good difficulty balance, interesting collectibles also. Amazing sound and polish overall.

Lovely game. It oozes charm. Great art and pretty fun combat. It has the perfect length too. Loved the voice acting and the accents, super fun writing.

Looks good, I guess, but plays very average. Puzzle levels are so bad that devs added an option to skip them. For a game so short, it really drags the end. That last boss fight was really bad.

Amazing art and music, but the game's writting feels very plain. All characters' voices are very similar, the analogies with real world/events are very clumsy and the second half conflict/game loop couldn't interest me less.

Beautiful art, but that's it. There is a barely a game there. Puzzles are in the way and don't feel rewarding or designed at all. Puzzles for puzzles sake. Voice acting is pretty terrible, and, while you kind of get used to it, it's still bad, like the actors are not native, or have strange accents... it just feels odd.
The game struggles to find what kind of game it is. I guess is sort of a point and click game, but without pointing. Adventure games use the pointing in order to build the world and give more dimension to the interactions, but here there is only one dimension to interact with, so there is barely any interaction, other that go to x press y, solve a puzzle/watch a cutscene and repeat.
It's a shame, because the game is really gorgeous visually, but there is not much game here.


Charming game, great art, light on gameplay but feels really good. Superb OST.

Really solid platforming game. Charming, cute nice difficulty curve. It inherits a lot from Talpa's previous game, Mail Mole (the platforming is similar, the focus on speed running/races, the hub) but it makes sense that it does, and it doesn't feel like a dlc or a lazy cash in.
It's a bit on the short side, but if you are a completionist/speedrunner you can easily double that.

This was top multiplayer games when I was a kid. I'm too afraid to taint it's memory so I'm not going to play it ever again and give it a solid 4 stars.

Good game, has like 4 or 5 WOW moments, and I enjoyed it, but it's a bit of a one trick pony, as in, it has clever ideas and mechanics that I think could have been expanded/exploited a bit more. Also lots of puzzles feel like you glitch them without really understanding them.
I didn't get a single thing about the story.

Too scary for me, but it's good.

Came back to this after a year of patches, and it's much better than it was at release. Wheel/pedals support is actually good, FFB is OK, co-driver is a tad better (still shaky sometimes). Can be a chill experience or a try hard one depending on your vehicle/settings.

Better than D3 on release, but I doubt it's better than D3 on its latest form.
I miss the matchmaking from D3, and D4, for being an "mmo" of the likes, it doesn't feel very social.
Lots of things that don't work for me, like itemization, build/loot diversity, balance all around...
Other than the art, it doesn't really feel like an upgrade, at least for me.

It's OK, but Deliver us the Moon was much, much better. On this one, the scope seems too much; not really a super big leap, but this time there are other character models (horrendous), feels too long, mechanics get stale fast and has a janky feel that Moon didn't had.
Also, it is time we ban laser puzzles from games, please.

I tried this like... 2+ years ago and didn't like it (didn't like it with a controller, unplayable on a wheel). But recently I gave it another shot and controller is sooo satisfying and wheel is super fun (great ffb, much more engaging, hard and rewarding than controller).
The online part I don't care so much, I just drift around trying to hit the gold medals and collect some cars. My only gripe really is not having licensed cars.
Also, VR works quite good.