Good game, thing is I'm too dumb for it.

Sunset Overdrive had to walk so Spiderguy could fly.

Good bf, for me it was too samey with 3, but if you didn't play 3, this was probably better.


Felt a bit too grindy and dragged a tad too much, but really good game.

Like chess but I don't suck that much on it.

I couldn't get into the time mechanic, but if you do is :cheffkiss:

I Expected so much for the return, but it was like the designers hadn't had played an adventure game in 30 years. Also, I didn't hate the art, but looking at "Curse of... " this just feels like a downgrade.

Babe, we have Left for Dead at home.
Left for Dead at home:

You can't make a more 7 game than this.

Good game, but bad platformer, if that makes any sense.

Not a bad game, but it lacks a certain something. It inherits the "sandy" controls of the main games, so if you are into that should be more bearable. Imo, it falls too much into platformer tropes, and the second half is much weaker than the first one.
Also, the musical levels are not bad, but I feel like they could have been so much more.

This could have been an 5 stars game, but it felt a bit too grindy, kinda without needing it to be, as there is plenty of content to see and unlock without repeating the same-ish events time after time.
Loved the art and over the top effects. Also the tuning was pretty good, specially considering how they were in previous entries.

One of the easiests 5 stars on this site. It doesn't get much better than this, just play it.