It was ok-ish until the shift of the gameplay, wich imo it's just worse.

I guess the "Portal" part is not that bad?

Objectively weaker than Sands of time trilogy, but imo a good game overall.

Perfect ending for a top notch trilogy.

Loved it all, specially the more "meta" part.

I guess it's not a really bad game, but as a puzzle game it really is a bad one.

This should have been easy. Force Unleashed 1 was ok-ish, this should have bring polish to the mechanics etc... Instead we got a game that did everything worse.

Monke goes BOOM while listening to cool jazz tunes.

If you have enemies, this is a nice gift for them.

Had it all to be a solid 7, but feels a bit undercooked after all.

A bit all over the place. Nice combat, nice art, story too much of a mess and really anticlimatic ending.