11 reviews liked by Potassiuhm

nintendo REALLY felt like it bro they were just thinking to themselves hm we need to make a mario game but we don't want to come up with some bull shit so lets make the fans make there own shitty game 1/10



Incredibly underrated gem. This horror game had some of the most interesting lore, characters, and presentation I have seen in a very long time. The graphics and sound design are extremely impressive for a 2003 game.

The gameplay was incredibly fun for a horror game imo. Most horror games are a lot of wandering until you stumble your way into the next cutscene to advance the story. This game operates with mission objectives, in which you clearly know what the goal of each level is. Some would call the game tedious or difficult, since it is a lot of revisiting areas and trial and error, but each map changes significantly on each revisit. To me, this serves to make you feel more acquainted with and immersed in the town that is afflicted by this curse you're trying to uncover the truth of. Each map also has key locations and points of interest, so as long as you remember those you won't have any trouble.

The English dub is a bit shoddy, but it only adds to the old school PS2 era horror charm. Great game, 8.5/10.

I miss this game so much. I was so sure I'd be able to find a flash or emulated version online somewhere given how old and popular it is but have had no luck. Heartbroken. So much charm in so few pixels.



you all let some racist on youtube convince you to hate this game but it's good and i'm tired of pretending it isn't

it's called amnesia because everyone forgot this game came out

Decent licensed game from back in the day, pretty cursed these days. 5/10

One of the best RPGs ever made, so god damn good
The post apocalyptic setting is much better in Nevada this time around. Factions are sick and have amazing quest lines. This game did quest writing and rewards better than any western RPG I've ever played. So much to read in the terminals of these abandoned places and so much to find when exploring. 10/10 goat status

God tier sandbox game, best to ever do it 10/10