7 reviews liked by PricelessPerson

my single most pretentious opinion

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Strange game. Massive map with no memorable locales, staggering amount of mediocre gunplay missions, and overstays its welcome leading up to a droll, mediocre "let's just kill all of our problems" ending. Did the same people who designed GTAIV even work on this?

I can't help but always find myself drawn back to this game. Each playthrough is generally about an hour but the replay value is through the roof. Even when I play through with the same team, there's always some new and interest feeling challenge I find myself thrust into. An exciting take on the roguelike genre that has to be played to be believed.

i have reached the point where i actually have to review valorant fuck my life.

only so many times can i hear someone do some callouts on a discord call. this game is a complete fuck nothing of a burger that decided to mesh the worst parts of tactical shooters and hero shooters. do you think its fucking creative to lock down utils behind a skill? who the fuck paid someone gajillion dollars to implement sprint for a skill on a really fucking slow game? can i mention that movement in this game is straight up ass? it's like moving on a fucking jell-o. bitch the spike is exploding don't wanna try moving your ass faster? why are the maps overly designed. why does every map feel like inferno with the one morbiliion corners that you have to check and prefire. is that the peak game design that we can have with 200 years of experience riot games? is this ever living bumble fuck of a video game that has been created for 6 years and yet it's a fucking shitty ass clone? why the fuck are we still making kernel level 0 anti cheats in the year 2020, leave that shit behind man. oh because it's riot games, devs that can never fuckign innovate beyond monetization. honestly fuck these guys. now that they're selling fucking $500 skins are you still with this goddamn company? i'll seeth and be mad now but i won't be retarded as a riot dickrider forever.

oh my bad i went out of my personality here. back to the actual one. valorant? more like ASS

riot games can have a thousand-year of experience but they'll still fail because they don't know how to make a good game

fun but flawed

calling valorant flawed is generous

>explore house
>find the reason of family's death
>it's valorant