3833 Reviews liked by ProudLittleSeal

Tengo demasiados problemas con el diseño y enfoque general de los metroidvania modernos como para explicarlo aquí. Para resumir, diré que muchos están enamorados de la construcción de su mundo y es ahí donde ponen su énfasis, pero lo terminan despojando de cualquier peso a cambio de otorgar esa sensación de progresión a la que parece que está condenada el género. Los metroidvanias son los reyes del backtracking, y no hay cosa que me desapegue más que revisitar camino andado y parecer una tanqueta indestructible en escenarios que antes existían para ser hostiles. El fenómeno es algo común al videojuego de aventuras/acción en general, pero aquí se hace más obsceno e incoherente que en ningún otro sitio.

Blasphemous esquiva esta sensación haciendo que, por mucha mejora que obtengamos, El Penitente nunca parezca un superhéroe. Si la principal enmienda del protagonista es cargar con la culpa de todo prójimo lo lógico es que nos movamos con relativa lentitud, nos cueste dar espadazos y seamos más bien toscos. Esto se mantiene más o menos de principio a fin de la aventura. Nuestra espada se llama Mea Culpa y al desplazarnos la sostenemos como quien arrastra un objeto pesado que se resigna a intentar levantar del suelo. Pocos detalles más obvios se me ocurren.

Cvstodia, el enclave donde se desarrolla Blasphemous, pesa más que la Hallownest de Hollow Knight porque, aunque también fía gran parte de la construcción de su mundo al lore y apartado artístico, no confía en él para aguantar toda la carga narrativa de sus escenarios.

Con todo, no puedo elevar a Blasphemous porque la representación de su penitencia personal es algo pueril. Da igual las capas que se superpongan porque debajo de todas ellas hay un plataformas en dos dimensiones con combate en el cual nos hacemos más fuertes a medida que avanzamos a pesar de ser contraindicativo por los pecados ajenos y propios que vamos asumiendo por el camino. La intrahistoria del juego tiene su propia excusa para esto, pero perdonadme si ir dando brincos por ahí no me resulta la forma más acertada para enfrentar el pesar religioso de toda la humanidad.

A nivel personal, Blasphemous me interesa más que sus similares por la cultura a la que pertenezco y cómo esta forma parte de las conductas y formas de afrontar la vida de algunos de mis seres más queridos, pero sólo hace las cosas un poquitín mejor que la media.

I can't recall a game that has disappointed me as much as Blasphemous.

From the first time I saw this on kickstarter I fell in love, the art style was just so gorgeous I got caught up in the hype. When I finally got my hands on the game I quickly realized the art was pretty much all it has going for it. In terms of the actual gameplay it's the most bland combination of metroidvania and souls-like possible. Completely uninspired map design, very bland combat upgrades, a complete lack of traversal upgrades, very little enemy variety, bad bosses, and I could go on.

The only appealing thing about the gameplay to me is the stinger move, which I can't remember what this game called it because it was so bland. I really can't overstate just how big the rift between the quality of the art and the quality of the game is here.

You'd probably be better off just taking some screenshots and making them your desktop wallpaper instead of playing the game itself.

This game is the biggest piece of shit in online history, every lobby has hackers that will ruin your day making it impossible to play without doing the solo public lobby glitch, this game has sell mission bugs still in the game from when online's criminal enterprise update released, this is by far the biggest embarrassment of a multiplayer and clear spit in the face to anyone who actually wanted GTA Online to be GTA with friends, its more like Saints Row but not self aware or fun to play

The best metroidvania style castlevania. Its a definite classic. Great level design, large enemy variety, tons of equipment and secrets to explore. It was pretty innovative for its time and its still fun to go back to today.

Not just any metroidvania, but a special metroidvania, thats actually good.

The best the franchise ever put out, everything came together in Chaos Theory.
Starting with the gameplay, it’s tense and sharp, stealthily skulking through the dark with nothing but Sam’s goggles indicating where you are, grabbing an enemy are interrogating him for information and sometimes getting hilarious feedback.

The game holds up very well even to today’s standards, the dynamic lighting and weather physics still hold up.

If you like stealth games look no further that Chaos Theory!

This game has excellent writing and an interesting level structure. It takes light Zelda/Metroidvania elements for its world. You are directed linearly through the world but it doesn't stop you from exploring other areas.

The original Ratchet & Clank has so much character and personality. The worlds are memorable and fun, the characters are great, and the music is so unique and fits so well with the game. Too bad it seems the remake took away the spunk and personality this game had. Overall the 2002 original is a great game

This game can wear you out if you play it consistently while skipping the cutscenes. It's intense

This is one of the most dastardly difficult games I've played in a long time; you really have to understand the game's mechanics and have good reactions in order to master it. But once you do, it feels so damn satisfying pulling off epic poses and slow punching and kicking enemies in VFX. It just oozes aesthetic with the cel shaded graphics and banging soundtrack too. Highly recommended.

better than like all the souls games tbh, I'm gonna buy a whole other copy on pc soon

Incredible sequel with plenty to do. The systems are complex and in depth with loads of rewarding combat encounters and massive amounts of content. Everything about Nioh 2 is a triumph over the already fantastic original.

its nioh but with everything straight upgraded, easily my favorite game of this type, the combat system is second to none

one of the best action rpg on the market if you want good combat. great variety of weapons and tools to use and the world is engaging mythology of japan and interesting characters.
must play if you like combat. good to play after the baby first combat challenge game like bloodborne. this will make you realize bloodborne is not that good lol

Endless fun and replayability, a must have for anyone who loves action games