A great game to spend a couple of hours on. Love the silly little tasks, the storyline in which you get to spend time with everyone and learn more about their lives, the music, the simple yet charming design of the visuals and the characters. Natalie rocks, btw. Would love to see a sequel, although its been confirmed that this will not be happening, nevertheless i would not mind if this game cost like $5. Fun, engaging, easy to pick up, FREE and addictive, for what it is. Overall this was a fantastic experience and the game is greatly underrated. I must now replay it to get the different endings!

Had tons of fun playing through this one, dare i say this is the best co-op experience ever, by far. A beautiful entry to play with your s/o or a friend regardless if they play games or not.
Loved the creativity of each area & the interpretation of multiple genres within them, while still allowing for simple but extremely fun gameplay mechanics.
The race parts, the ice skating, the huge gardens, the whole chapter that was essentially a snow-globe and the Wizard top down crawler-like stage were my favourites. Puzzling was not difficult but yet not too easy, gameplay was so much fun-yet not complicated, the story was well crafted, the boss stages were interesting, and all the little details and mini games scattered throughout the stages were a joy to explore. Hopefully these guys will be coming back with another similar game in the near future, because theres nothing quite like it!!!!

Itd be a 5/5 but Cutie the II's sacrifice was unnecessary and heart breaking lol

PS great soundtrack

This review was written before the game released

A fun-quirky platformer featuring my two favourite animals on earth as protagonists. It’s a classic, Mario like platformer with its own twist. Definitely a game that’s considered a laid back experience that has the foundations to become challenging at times, something you can boot and play carelessly right away. Love the animations, the upbeat music, the level design-albeit basic in the demo-seems interesting, and the combinations of the characters are pretty interesting and wholeheartedly cute. Hopefully the full release does a tad more to enhance the experience further, but not over complicate it as that’s the norm in recent games (sometimes simple is better-which is the case here). Cannot wait to have loads of fun in this game once the complete package releases.

One of the most beautiful games to look at, immense pixel-art, a strong soundtrack and an interesting story. I believe the game would have slightly benefitted off of some basic voice acting-something like grunts or mild sounds to enhance the experience. Interesting characters, great setting-thing is, as as many other people in here, I did not ''get'' the ending. It is pretty random, it does not feel ''rushed'' to me-perhaps only lackluster. I am not aware if theres a sequel to this specific entry but if it is, the ending totally made me want to give it a go. Overall a pretty chill game to hop on and off of, with a short time to beat and a plethora of dialogue choices that help you get a grip of its mysteries.

Having not played any of the GOW games in the past-ive only seen reviews raving about this game, however I lowered my expectations going into it since I do not like these type of games, typically. I am in position to say that this has been an excellent play. The story itself is pretty decent, deep at times but the development of the characters throughout the journey is very nice. Satisfying combat, challenging bosses, loot EVERYWHERE, beautiful environments and excellent weapon choices. The axe is a very diverse and useful weapon, and the skills are not present just to be there. Easy to perform and hard to master, I really liked the fact that the skills were effective and there wasnt a long combo-process which allowed me to jump back into the game after not having played for a while. Later on with the introduction of the blades, the story and the combat get spici-er?. I really loved the companions in the game, Atreus, although not the most useful at the start, turns pivotal to your encounters with some upgrades. Keep in mind that Atreus will ask a LOT and I mean a lot of questions, lol, most of the time it was things that i was also interested to know. Mimir is my favourite companion tho, no unnecessary fill-in small talk and funny at times, helps move the story-on delightfully too. Cant forget about the dwarves! Frequent visits to their shops are advised! Overall, this game has stunning environments, great combat, good story-telling (not to mention the unbeatable soundtrack), interesting puzzles, a good upgrade system, a variety of bosses and other encounters (f* the Valkyries btw took me DAYSSS to get past one or two), fun gameplay in general and it left me with a desire to play the next entry in the series in the future.

A compelling story about a group of teenagers trying to escape from their yearly resort on a haunted island. For every encounter, you get to pick from three different choices of dialogue, or choose to stay silent. While you explore the island, you have multiple encounters such as ''time loops'', ''possessions'' of characters, weird anomalies and more, all of which can be altered by scrolling between the frequencies of the little radio Alex owns. A very cool concept, nice, spooky atmosphere with a greatly fitting soundtrack. Later in the game, you find that even the tiniest of dialogue choices you mightve made at the beggining have a larger influence on how the game is going to end. It is a title that must definitely be played more than once, which is strongly encouraged by its short time-to-beat. In addition, on the second playthrough you once again are shown that the choices that you made during the first one, also slightly alter the 2nd experience, as even at certain points, the characters might even ''remember'' stuff that has already happened, leaving the protagonist the impression that they're stuck. Several were the times that the game has given me chills, and the storyline was intriguing enough for me to keep going, which is rarely the case when i play videogames since i get bored pretty easily. Overall, a great little gem that i greatly enjoyed playing and would highly recommend to everyone, regardless of the genres of games they typically enjoy.
P.S. I got the game for free, quite a long time ago and i am very glad ive given it a go, after having it in my backlog for more than a full year.

P.S. 2 some jumpscares here and there, nothing crazy though.

Let me begin by saying that this is the first AC game i have ever played, I had no big interest in the series until my friends began discussing how much fun they're having through their AC gameplays. I was a bit skeptical about this game, having heard of the many bugs it was supposed to have, and then I saw the low price that it was selling for-which put me off a little, but, I am very happy to have given it a go. The setting is amazing, I have spent countless of hours just walking and climbing around the map, often stopping to admire details in houses or courtyards, even exploring major attractions. Vibrant world, filled with hundreds upon hundreds of NPCs, with many random events going on at all times and plenty of collectibles. The main story, which, did not take me very long to complete, was in my opinion a bit repetitive as in, you get put outside of a camp or palace of some sorts, and then you have to make your way in, and exterminate the target or steal sth. While it was repetitive, the multiple settings these were placed in, were a great way to make you think about your next move, observe enemy patterns and test your patience..
The movement is very good, although i do get annoyed when i am running and Arno just gets clinged on an object thats in the way. Takes a little bit of getting used to, but once you grab the ropes, you will be able to enjoy the freedom of moving around the city. The combat is fairly intereseting, some small skill upgrades are present, and if you by choice do not just buy all the best weapons etc, it keeps battles balanced and interesting. Character customization is also present in some way, many suits to choose from-but thats pretty much it.
Only ''bug'' that i have encountered during my 30+hrs in, was a side mission named ''The little prince'' or sth, where the prince that youre supposed to be defending just freezes in place, but, through a quick search i discovered that if you just make your way in from the bottom and dont kill the riflesmen first, then it will not occur.

Other than that, i am still working on the several side missions, district by district, and i am glad to say that this game was worth the investment. You can easily squeeze out 50+ fun hours out of it.

Let me start by saying that I am a casual gamer that has started exploring different video game genres recently.
For one, this game is very fun, fast paced, provides many character customization options and has a great soundtrack that fits the gameplay.
At the early stages, the game does a great job of showing you how to do new skills, and the tracks allow for you to integrate these into your gameplay gradually.
Some (debatably) fun characters, very interesting settings and the pace of the actual skating itself are very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I had to give it up somewhere in the 3rd of 4th setting because of you know…life, and when I went back I had forgotten most of the combos etc (thank god for backlogs lol).
Overall, I plan on restating the game, and it’s a very fun way to kill a few hours, maybe take a break from a story-based game and get some chill-but challenging as you progress, skating in.