What a fun experience. I'm such a fan of the Final Fantasy games, and this one didn't disappoint. Yeah, it kind of suffers from "Hallway Simulator" syndrome every now and then, and I sure would love to play a turn-based game again. But, despite all of that, the game is a blast. Fun characters, fantastic music, and a great plot that has all the usual Final Fantasy bullshit while playing around with fun themes. It's very much my shit, and just becomes comfort food.

What an immense disappointment. The idea of a Hellboy game with the aesthetic of Mike Mignola's art, with the late Lance Reddick voicing Big Red himself really had me excited. But this was just such a waste. It's so repetitive and dull, the beat 'em up just isn't interesting enough to justify doing the same thing over and over and over. Plus, it's buggy as all hell, constantly crashing and freezing. And, as a certain point, you just have to wonder why you're fighting so hard to make a game like this work, when it's not even fun.

This is one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

When I heard there was a retro turn-based RPG where everyone was wrestlers, I was so excited. But, I somehow missed that they were also toys, a whole aesthetic that really just didn't hit with me. But, that would have been fine if the game was fun to play. And, it's not. It's so meandering, it introduces so many strange controls and elements just for one mission, and it's just frustrating. Not to mention that it's buggy as hell and crashes all the damn time. It's like they had a million ideas, and stuck them all in this game as some sort of grand statement, instead of actually making a game that's fun. I should have loved this, by the end I have a rag-tag group of heroes flying around on an airship, giving me big Final Fantasy 6 vibes, but it was just a joyless slog that I was thrilled to be over with.

What an experience.

I'm a huge Spider-Man guy, and the first game was one of my favorite experiences in video gaming. The Miles Morales spin-off game was a hoot too, but it really just put that itch in me for a second full game, and now that I've played it, that itch is thoroughly scratched. The gameplay is just as innovative and fun, the game looks great, and the whole story is just a blast. It did the seemingly impossible and made me give a shit about a Venom story for like the first time. I just love these games, and can't wait to see what they cook up next.

I was completely unfamiliar with the IP the game is using, but after playing Ruined King I knew I'd like the game, and it didn't disappoint. Clearly a forbearer of what's to come, but it's still a truly special turn -based RPG

This game is just so special to me. I will always take a Final Fantasy that has a slew of fun characters with specific roles on the team than all that job system stuff, and this one really sets the standard for that. The plot is silly and cheesy, but it's a fable, it's what I expect. These Pixel Remasters are really great, polishing the classic games up while retaining the magic that made me love them.

Just absolutely fantastic.

Over the years I've become a hell of a D&D nerd, and this game is just about everything I could want. The gameplay on the PlayStation was a tad janky, but never so bad to take myself out of the experience. A magical story with fantastic characters, just ready for you to crack it open and explore the world to your hearts content.

It's pretty damn fun.

The whole time-loop bit can get a little grating when you get stuck in annoying situations and just have to skip a day to get back to what you meant to do, but overall I had a good time. The aesthetic and humor is a blast, playing around with that retro futurism design that looks so cool, and the gameplay is largely solid. Slowly figuring out the perfect way to eliminate a bunch of people on the island is really rewarding, and worth a try.

This game is an absolute delight. The idea of taking a cozy fishing game and mixing in a slowly building Lovecraftian dread is such a fantastic idea. And, to make it even better, it's full of terrific music and a gorgeous art aesthetic. Games that lean into a strong aesthetic vibe like this are just so wonderful, and I could play a million games like this.

There's a lot to like about this game, but enough to keep me from absolutely loving it. The idea of taking all the spooky Marvel characters and sticking them in an insane plot full of Darkholds, Cthon, and all that other crap is so up my alley it's nuts. I don't get why characters like Iron Man, Captain America, and Spider-Man are here, but its' still fun. I just feel like some elements could have been tightened up. The whole card-based gameplay gets a little tedious after a while, and the game can just drag at certain points. I liked wandering around the grounds and befriending everyone, but it felt like it was so close to being a really fantastic game, and just didn't quite get there.

The idea of following up one of the greatest video games of all time was probably pretty damn daunting. And, I don't think they quite surpassed it, but they still ended up in a rarified air. These games are just so fun, the world is so well-realized, and the gameplay is so addictive. The whole Zonai device things was maybe a little better in concept than execution, unless you're one of those lunatics on Tik Tok that make Gundams or whatever. The biggest thing that I love about these games is the aesthetic. I will take a game that looks this gorgeous, and leans into its own look, over some hyper-realistic game that will age like milk in a few years when better processors are invented. Let games look beautiful, not real.

Certainly not my favorite, but a kind of slept-on entry in the series. The rotating fourth member of the party is a great idea, and while the story of "evil emperor tries to take over the world" is nothing revelatory, it's done well

C'mon, it's the first Pokemon game I played. It's magic. I got Blue, my brother got Red, and the rest is history.

A truly special game. One you can get sucked into for hours, causing chaos or just getting swept up in the world. There are stories around every corner, waiting to take you on an adventure. Or, you could just go hunt, and find a weird serenity in the nature the game creates.

Plus, lots of great cowboy outfits.

It doesn't quite scratch the itch for classic Final Fantasy, but it comes closer than anything else ever has. Fun characters exploring a weaving story, with some pretty great gameplay and ideas. It just can get a little repetitive, and I do wish that there was an overarching story that made sense why these characters were together.