An utterly perfect game. One where I didn't want it to end, and put off the final confrontation for as long as possible to have as much game as I could.

A truly special game. One you can get sucked into for hours, causing chaos or just getting swept up in the world. There are stories around every corner, waiting to take you on an adventure. Or, you could just go hunt, and find a weird serenity in the nature the game creates.

Plus, lots of great cowboy outfits.

It's hard to underestimate the effect this game had on me when it came out. I thankfully didn't become a weird Randian Objectivist, but instead just found myself expecting more from games. The gameplay, the art direction, the thought out into every little detail. Just a gorgeous thing to behold.

The amount of time I have logged playing this game is truly staggering. I don't know if it's the best in the series, or if it just hit me at a perfect time, but there's something so therapeutic about taking over the world in this game.

Just one of the most solidly enjoyable games I've ever played. Fun gameplay, great art style, and a world I had a lot of fun playing around in. Nothing too deep, but it does a very specific thing better than any other game I've ever played. It's digital comfort food

Just the most perfect video game I've ever played. These characters, this story, this gameplay, is apparently everything I want from gaming. It's the Highwater mark for me. The game that all others are measured against. I love it dearly.

C'mon, it's the first Pokemon game I played. It's magic. I got Blue, my brother got Red, and the rest is history.

It doesn't quite scratch the itch for classic Final Fantasy, but it comes closer than anything else ever has. Fun characters exploring a weaving story, with some pretty great gameplay and ideas. It just can get a little repetitive, and I do wish that there was an overarching story that made sense why these characters were together.

I'm not a fan of League of Legends, but I find myself liking basically all the tangential things that come from it's world. And this game was no exception. The pixel graphics were a nice throwback, and I've never really gotten into this type of game before. But a fun story is enough to keep me trying new things.

Certainly not my favorite, but a kind of slept-on entry in the series. The rotating fourth member of the party is a great idea, and while the story of "evil emperor tries to take over the world" is nothing revelatory, it's done well

It's just so perfectly simple. The greatest D&D campaign of all time playing out around four non-characters.

A truly special game. I don't care about League of Legends, but I care about these characters. The gameplay is fun, both familiar and interestingly new, and the music is absolutely stellar.

I was completely unfamiliar with the IP the game is using, but after playing Ruined King I knew I'd like the game, and it didn't disappoint. Clearly a forbearer of what's to come, but it's still a truly special turn -based RPG

I have found myself in a weird place where I end up loving basically every piece of media based on League of Legends, while feeling absolutely nothing for League of Legends itself. So, I tried this game even though I'm terrible at Meteoidvanias. And it's fine. The world and characters are fun, and I did find a certain amount of satisfaction when I'd finally get through some area after trial and error, but I think the frustration outweighed most of that. It's fine, just not my cup of tea.

What a heartbreaking and beautiful little game. I wish more games were this thoughtful and had such an aesthetic. The puzzles and controls for a little tedious, but it's worth it.