25 reviews liked by Queen_Pillows

In a desperate effort to bring in new ideas to the platformer genre, the designer created a glitchy mess that is borderline impossible to control at times. The stages range from single-screen affairs that are can be merely annoying but are sometimes fun to large stages with scrolling that love to ask the player to make blind jumps and punish them for not knowing death was waiting for them.

The soundtrack by Disasterpeace, however, is very good (and the main reason I tried it in the first place).

There's an incredible sense of weight to Lincoln's action. Light or heavy, the situation demands and he supplies. When the bullets go flying and some goon makes a concerted effort to dramatically fling himself over a railing– sorry, but how am I not supposed to love that shit?

This game rules. Flaws? More than a few, but I'd play ten more games of Lincoln Clay carving a path of destruction through racist trash.

This game would kill you if it physically could.

This game has no right being as good as it is.

Mario World gang Mario World gang

The choice of real Grigma Males

I give it this rating cause there is just a cursed aura to this game for me, not sure why I just always feel uneasy playing it.

Playing as that animal crossing dog everyone wants to boink is a hoot