Played the game when the battle royale had just come out. Some of my fondest middle school and early highschool memories were built in this game. Absolutly changed everything about online gaming and its influence can be seen everywhere in the modern gaming landscape. While I do not play this game anymore, or believe that it is even a five star game anymore, there is no denying that for a breif instance in time, this game was perfect.

This game introduced me to The Elder Scrolls. I've never played any of the other titles, though I plan to, but this game sucks you right in. Once I killed the first dragon and had my powers I was hooked. I learned everything there was to learn about this game, glitches, lore, hidden secrets, mysteries etc. This game takes up so much room in my brain and I think that is a testament to Bethesdas world building and story writing. Play the game please.

The game that is most like a real sport, its not just point click and remember.

Love fallout. Love all the games. Watch the Show.

I cannot put this much time in to be good at a game.

First M rated game I ever played. It was glorious.

What Matpat did to this game needs to be studied.

Meta-Humor is great, currently going for that decade achievement iykwim

Best Zombies OAT, everything else- mid

Its good but very very gindy. The lore is good, but very very convoluted.