I enjoy games that let me explore a world with a sword. Elden Ring takes this concept a step further by adding magic and bigger swords. I would highly recommend.

I didn’t know what to expect from Disco Elysium, I had only heard that it’s good. I’m glad I didn’t do much research about this game before I played it. Going in completely blind gave me an amazing RPG experience that I will remember fondly.

A fairly short game that leaves a good impression. This game taught me that a man in a bathrobe with a katana is the most dangerous person I could ever encounter. Can’t wait for the DLC.

You get to explore a fallen bug kingdom with a sword. My all time favorite game.

A surprisingly great game. A perfect example of why you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I wish bugs were real.

A pretty cute game with some pretty silly jokes. Not a difficult game, so it’s a good choice if you have a few hours to kill. I added another half star because the game lets you put different hats on Turnip Boy. Thinking about buying a turnip and putting a fedora on it.

This game is well known for having a good story, engaging RPG mechanics, and memorable writing. It also has Raul Tejada, so it obviously gets five stars by default.

A fun and short metroidvania. The game itself is fairly easy, but some of the bosses are challenging. Play this game if you enjoy property damage and cats.

A Short Hike aims to a short game that allows you to relax and explore an island. I believe it hits this mark perfectly. I remember buying this game at 3 a.m. and completing in about an hour. A perfect game for those who want to wander and explore. It also has hats.

I don’t think this game is bad or mediocre, but I definitely expected more. The dialogue, voice acting, and writing was impressive compared to other games. The combat, however, was lacking and not very satisfying. Overall a good game with just a few flaws.

A pretty good game filled to the brim with rats. The story is alright and the gameplay is interesting, however, the environments were my favorite part about this game. Sometimes I enjoyed standing back and watching the ocean of rats writhing around in buildings or fields. One thing I’m disappointed about is how there isn’t a giant rat that makes all of the rules.

I was hoping that this game would be better than Borderlands 3, but it isn’t unfortunately. I didn’t care for any of the major side quests, and they felt like chores I had to complete in order to progress without difficulty. The characters felt poorly written and boring to me, but my sister didn’t seem to mind them, so it’s probably just a preference thing. The spells are a fun addition to the game, and they help keep combat more engaging. Overall, the gameplay is fun while the writing is poor.

Just a collection of mini-games. A lot of them are fun, but there isn’t too many things other than that. There isn’t any reason to play this game other than for nostalgia.

The game is really similar to Papers, Please. It was pretty fun, but the ending felt cheap.

While the game is linear, I thought it was well made. The Wild Area has a ton of different Pokémon, so you can change your team up drastically on different playthroughs. The story and characters are a little lacking.