A game I wanted to love, but no. They nailed the rock cliches and have done a great job with the characters, and the "chemistry" between them is perfect. The downside is average gameplay, repetitive sidequests and to little to engage in overall. The fighting with Eddie is fun, but controlling the headbangers not so much. More adventure and less RTS, thanks. I think that would've made a better game. Then they could have focused on the main crew, and how cool would it be if they had let Eddie be able to summon the Metal Gods (ozzy, lemmy) FF-style to wreak havoc on the enemy?

Nah, the combo of hack&slash with uninteresting plattforming/ledging(?) got old pretty quick. And since the story also was run of the mill, this is a kind of game that's playable, but not worth playing.

The puzzle side of the game was fun, the rest not so much. The story was uinteresting, the dialogue was poorly written and the voice acting painful to listen to. Credit to the devs for trying something new though.

A magnificent horror game, although it gets a bit too action oriented towards the end.

Gave up after 20h. Could not get past the clunky dialogue and akward pacing. Seems like the cut scenes wasnt edited to macth the english translation. I liked the battle system, but the gameplay overall just felt outdated, and the exposition just seemed never-ending. Upgrade system and shop mechanic was also bad.

The puzzles became a bit samey, but loved the parts where you explore the world the puzzles are set in. A very creative take on the puzzle genre none the less.