Ya know, thank fuck I don't live back in these times!

Overall game is pretty decent but might struggle with too much authenticity at the cost of enjoyable gameplay

Something about ladies with big axes destroying everything does things for me

Ada can shoot me anytime she wants

How did they manage to create such a superb game where I can with a bit of creativity accomplish damn near everything imaginable? Actual magic is how!

Benedikta, I can fix her, just let me be with her!

Overall a great addition to the world of Horizon with its solid story and great characters. The area it all takes place in is beautiful and I'm all about exploring such areas!

We live in the best of timelines when we get to experience a game this amazing! The best kind of hero game we've ever had. Fantastic story, fantastic gameplay, fantastic characters.. FANTASTIC!

That singing performance is worthy of max score by itself

I love Kiryu

It's been an insane journey going from Yakuza 0 to now and I've enjoyed every moment of it, I've enjoyed all the time I spent with Kiryu and this game is a love letter to all those memories, and a love letter that pays respect to the legend himself without being cheap or sloppy. The entire game is beautiful in its execution and I'm so so happy I got to spend time the series again and more now than in a long time look forward to the future

We'll see each other again you Dragon of legends

Memento GOATI

This is why I love Persona