Decently fun stealth game with a strong narrative. 7/10

Perfect dopamine game. 6.5/10

Beat it on a lost bet. 2/10

Best 2d platformer I've played in a while.

Stunning score, gorgeous sprite art, and probably the best story of any game in 1994. My only problem, and maybe its just because I wasn't born in the 80's, but I found the grinding of the game to be too grueling and it detracted from my enjoyment. 9/10

Might legitimately be my favorite game ever. The accomplishment I felt reaching Cosmic Ocean is, to this day, unmatched by any other game.

Closest a game has brought me to tears.

Crushing is legitimately awful.

Improved in every way from the original even, playing on crushing was actually fun instead of torturous like the last game.

More spectacle than the previous games, but the gameplay is not as tight as 2 for some reason. 8/10

Playing bedwars with friends was the only fun part about this game. Maybe if I had a artistic bone in my body it would have been more fun. 6/10

Legitimately the least fun game I've ever played. 1/10

Incredibly fun to try to beat these levels with just one other person.

Definitely needs more content, but I absolutely loved what I've played so far.