I have a lot of games to play...

I'm typically a fan of really narrative-driven stuff, usually with a melancholic atmosphere or some big all-encompassing themes that make me feeeeeel things (life and death, spirituality, the human condition... lol that type of stuff).

PSN is BurritoGamerRB
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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
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The Last of Us Part II
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Panzer Dragoon: Remake
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this was pretty entertaining, basically a pure cross between dating vn and mario party type versus game where you have to confess your love first to the girl of choice. I only played like one through, so I can see the novelty wearing off fast, but in the moment-to-moment gameplay it seems like there's a good variety of special events and unexpected hindrances that can make it a bit fresh in multiplayer. It would be cool to see modern attempt at this concept

pretty fire world design and ost, I actually started with the original but then saw this on sale and just bought it, worth the visual upgrade. I miss this era of games, and the setting here is very evocative. I've been wanting to eventually play the much acclaimed Panzer Dragoon Saga so going through the series right now, but it really reminds me of like the sort of atmosphere of like a team ico game at times. This first game, however, my main critiques just come from annoyances due to the game mechanics and arcade-like progression. This remake does alleviate some of that but it still feels like a concept that was still being improved on and I expect the sequels will refine the shooting/difficulty more.