7 reviews liked by Ralphy

shoutout all my 50 year old dads with 15 kids who are having the time of their lives playing peak

Hey, first to review this. Cool. To preface, this will only review the campaign and a little bit of post-campaign.

So Final Shape manages to have this incredible campaign with such a wonderful ensemble of characters and even bringing back older characters for great post-campaign fun. The Legendary Campaign difficulty feels super tightly tuned and feels awesome for the most part, but there are some "ehh" parts here and there. I think my favorite mission is the Mountain one, that one was legitimately one of the best campaign experiences I've ever had in an FPS.

So yeah, Final Shape is, well, shaping up to be a good campaign. You can clearly tell this is what they wanted to make instead of that Lightfall slop. Good job, Bungie.

Colorblindness Rating: D-
Why Bungie have to change the shields. They were JUST fine and now they fuck me up CONSTANTLY because I can't tell what is Arc and what is Void. The ironic thing is that they made this change FOR accessibility reasons, but they just made it worse!
Hippy really did screw me over. So-called "co-head of accessibility". Yeah.

best nfs this decade. drifting and online still sucks ass tho

Dead Space is one of the best horror/action games ever made, with a good mix of both genres. However, that doesn't make it perfect.

There are some problems that are not so critical due to the fact that it is a new franchise, but they remain problems. Some of them, for example, is the fact that horror is basically composed of cheap jump scares.
Another is about the use of weapons. I managed to beat it in my first playthrough on hard mode using only two weapons: Line Gun and Plasma Cutter. With that first one, being extremely unfair as soon as you buy it. There are also several ridiculous and to some extent unnecessary weapons, which I don't see any point in having in the game.

Speaking like that, it seems that I didn't like the game that much, but it's not true. I fucking loved the game, and the highlight is the extreme immersion, with almost no HUD getting in your way, with all the information you need being in the character. Lots of companies needing to learn from Dead Space in that regard. (Cough Cough... Ubisoft)

The soundtrack, in turn, looks like an orchestra of the highest level. It's unbelievable what they managed to do with the track at times, especially at the beginning and end of the game, managing to enhance even more important moments in the story, making you feel angry, afraid, sad, etc...

About the story, it is extremely good, despite some moments made just to extend the duration of the game. But it is consistent and leaves many mysteries open for players to discuss at the end of the game.

I'm proud to announce that I am indeed mentally ill enough to love this game with utmost sincerity

Unironically one of the best Call of Duty games, mostly because it feels close to Titanfall and the campaign is actually decent.