Great short game with mostly tight storytelling that at certain points felt it would benefit more from being a longer game

gameplay, world building, atmosphere all great but the general story is mediocre

Fun enough game, good soundtrack, the primary thing holding it back is the "samey" gameplay loop. I did the puzzles for the witch and by the time I beat her I realized I was just going into a second world to do the exact same thing again just with a worse boss

Great game, overshadowed by pitiful performance and crashing

it started off strong and i was genuinely interested but the farther in I got the more bored I was, it's the exact same gameplay as the last two games with a worse story
 this is the third game in the series and i still don't know or care who lara croft is.
someone please get square enix to hire a new animation team because these games consistently have the most janky animations i've seen in a triple a game

decent game, graphics are good but animations generally lack polish and I died more to janky climbing sections than the actual combat

game performance is bad, game intro is bland, space travel is boring ground exploration is boring