Amazing climbing game with movement mechanics similar to Death Stranding. Very pretty and with fun gimmicks for each chapter.

Ends a bit abruptly and the controls have a few weird hangups but its very satisfying to pull off difficult jumps.

I tried REALLY hard but its just not for me.

no comment.

What version of this game you're playing depends on the server. Each server has different vibes, culture and gamemodes. There is some shared canon but a lot of it is modified between servers.

One of my favorite games of all time. Immaculate vibes, writing, gameplay and setpieces. It's very fun, funny and well made.

Don't play if for too long or you'll get hand cramps.

This is what Star Fox needed.

Considering the whole triology.

This is an amazing take on the stealth genre that made it very unique and interesting. A lot of good ideas that just needed to be freshed out. I don't know why it needed to be always online and take three whole games worth of purchases but if you can get the whole thing as a whole package for a sane price it's definitely a great choice.

This has a lot of elements that could have made this one of my favorite games of all time. I like the setting's aesthetics, I like the main group and their vibe, I like the idea of a modern final fantasy road trip.

The problem is they couldn't figure out how to make this a AAA open world massive supergame while also making it good. It's not good. It has a lot of design choices that fuck up everything from combat to exploration to movement and progression. The story isn't good either, obviously.

Dude it's fucking sonic and he's back and he has his friends and it's really fun

It's a Sony AAA supergame but the gameplay is absurdly fun. Don't play on harder difficulties.

I can't stand the competitive esports vibe and I don't really care about most of the characters or the world or setting or just about anything about this game. It all feels obviously meant to a specific kind of people that I can't stand.

Despite that it's very, VERY well made and the gunplay feels immaculate. Playing with friends is fun if you're not playing ranked (which you shouldn't).

This game made me realize I don't really like farming games despite being really good. I love the villagers but I just have no desire to play these kinds of games.

7th gen sucked so fucking bad man

Didn't fully complete it but I reached credits and thought it was fun. Its really hard despite being very simple thanks to using its main mechanic to its absolute limit.

Yeah of course people love this, it's an open world game where exploring the world feels really good.

The stuff you actually DO in the world isn't that amazing besides the main quests.

I played so fucking much of this back in Highschool with my friends. The final content monsters were absurdly hard and required a lot of grinding for us to have sets that could pull them off. It's really good but I don't think there's much reason to play it nowadays like a lot of older monhun titles.