my brother really wants me to finish elden ring but i'm playing this rn. kind of love it ngl, i think that the music selection is iconic

Genuinely really good. The art has a really basic anime style but the writing is fire, I think it gets into an almost transgressive literature framework when the only way nicole will get anything vaguely resembling a good ending is by being a dishonest and vindictive person

I played this over a year ago but it lives so rent free in my head I just kind of assumed I logged it already? God, I love the aesthetics of this game. If we're purely talking about that, this game might be my favorite looking and feeling piece of art ever. The ost is so mindbogglingly experimental, especially the tracks with vocals. the prerendered cutscenes and chunky sprites add so much to the designs. many of its plot points are super interesting even if I didn't exactly understand why anything was happening at a certain point. its so weird going to japanese ps1 games and seeing such dark subject matter after being so used to a select few localized ones my whole life. damn. god damn. I don't understand shit but I already missed these characters when the credits started to roll.

after hearing tons of stuff about sierra games being bullshit this was surprisingly playable, I did use a guide but it wasn't that often. definitely fits into the b movie camp but I won't be caught dead complaining about that. I'll be honest I mostly played this one because the second one looks really fascinating, but I enjoyed this one for what it was. The 3d backgrounds with the live action sprites and the music that sounds chiptune half the time gave such an engaging (albeit unintentional) dissonance, i think it could be done well purposefully. also something I found out apparently adrian's outfit is like that because the actress showed up on set one day dressed like that and the director decided to make that the attire of the character, i am infinitely curious of what her original outfit was supposed to be. this is one of those games where you'll know if you'll enjoy it so there's really no point in telling you why or why not you shouldn't.

Idk if this game is hard but I do know I really suck at strategy games so I didn't get that far and I doubt I'll play much more. Remember when there was a leak saying there would be a mario and rabbids crossover and everyone was like "bullshit no way", I still can't get over the fact this exists.


When I was like idk 9 or 10 I showed my baby sitter this game and she was mortified at the image of a child making a horrible little monster creature and laughing as said creature used a stick to beat other creatures to death and that's an experience nobody can take away from me. Oh yeah also I'm 90% sure I got softlocked in the space stage. Too much designing buildings later on boooooo we're here for the little creatures.

holy shit, this is basically what lain psx was hyped up to be in my head, god damn. frankly fucking bonkers in how aptly it depicted stuff like intrusive thoughts. absolutely iconic. there's only a handful of character's that are interesting, i swear the rat gets more development than jocelyn, but still wow.

Euphoria but gay. I forgot this existed until I saw it in a list lol

When my grandma was dying my mom went to visit her in a hospice and they always brought us to this kids room with toys and stuff and it had a gamecube and this was the only fucking game. There was a box for sunshine and I desperately looked for the game in my foolishness but only thing there was was this game. Always ended up getting stuck like 5 minutes in.

I don't really have anything to say about it without being superfluous, it's a short game that speaks for itself. A joyless experience but not one devoid of merit.

Surprisingly the most easy to play final fantasy for me I've actually played, I didn't do the thing where I put the game on hold near the end and leave it like I did with others. Now I wanna play stranger of paradise but I'll just move on to 2 because I can't actually play stranger of paradise RIP really curious what it does knowing the ending.

gore screaming show baby its mighty gorebin power rangers time baby

This game hurts me to look at jesus christ. I can play some games with wonk ass graphics but I can not handle the 2D character on the 3D world when it's supposed to be precision platforming no thanks.

This game definitely deserves deeper analysis than what I'm gonna say on but I will say some things. First off, this is an extremely dense game in terms of what subject matter it chooses to focus on. I don't mean just the stuff you'd put in a trigger warning, at one point it starts using the term military-industrial complex regularly and there's this part where it shows capitalism as something that is worshipped like a deity, again in a very direct way. I've seen people say that some anime and games have anti-capitalist messaging if you look a bit harder but this one is extremely direct, the fucking motto of Earth's military is "Mankind will consume you". It isn't just about anti-militarism and anti-capitalism, those are some of the most blatant themes but it has a ton more. Extremely thematically dense game. I also like how surprisingly dynamic the plot is, there were multiple unexpected shifts and I greatly appreciate when a story does that.

Idk how it holds up but it made an impression on me because it was one of my earliest gaming experiences.