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Raxyz finished Asura's Wrath
This is a spectacle fighter where there's a huge focus on SPECTACLE.

Problem is, the focus is so intense in that department that they have nothing else to show for it. Audio design is a clustefuck, gameplay is clunky and boring, performance is terrible, story is nonsensical, dialogue is unnatural... But it does manage to make something so absurd that it can be entertaining.
It's not a good game and not one I'd recommend, but I can't say I don't understand why it made an impression of most people that played.

1 day ago

Raxyz completed Asura's Wrath

1 day ago

Raxyz reviewed Titan Souls
Maybe my perspective is skewed because I'm playing this after Death's Door, but honestly, it's amazing that the team that made such an amazing game as Death's Door started with... This.

The aesthetic is unique, soundtrack is good, but as a game it's just boring or outright annoying. Shadow of the Colossus largely follows the same formula (the game even pays homage to it), but SotC does some things that Titan Souls doesn't:
1- Eye candy. As unique of an aesthetic as Titan Souls have it, you're just less likely to stop and admire the scenery. There's very little here to incentivize you to stop and wonder.
2- Bosses aren't as complex. In fact, some of them have achievements tied like "kill in 5 seconds". Imagine riding Agro for all that time only to reach a Colossus and finish the fight within the minute...

Titan Souls is disproportionate. It's a game that, for every 10 seconds you spend walking, you get 1 of actual, engaging gameplay. And when the entire thing offers around 3 hours of content, this means that you have 2 and a half hours of nothing and 30 minutes of gameplay. It's even worse if you go for a completionist run because this game is downright unfair at times. The dodge isn't as responsive as you'd expect it to be, and the attacks patterns sometimes feel like they're meant for a higher move speed that the one you're given.

All in all, this game doesn't offer much. Has an somewhat interesting idea while it fumbles on everything else. If you're not the type of person with a speedrunner's mindset to run the same things over and over again until you perfect it, then I can't really recommend this game.

6 days ago

Raxyz completed Titan Souls

6 days ago

Raxyz reviewed Children of the Sun
It's fun and innovative, but way too short for its price tag.

13 days ago

13 days ago

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