Main Line Pokémon Rankings

The definitive and 100% correct ranking of the Main Pokémon series. All gens are represented by the version I played. The third versions, sequels and remakes are ranked separately. I also included Legends: Arceus and Let's Go cause why not.

This being below RBG/Y is completely personal. The first main line Pokémon game on home consoles and this what we get. The Pokémon games have always been held together by paper clips and bubblegum, so the glitches and framerate issues don't bother me so much. There is nothing in this game. There are no dungeons. They give an escape rope but the place they give it to you for is a hallway. And the open area was a major disappointment that was heavily improved for Arceus and Scarlett. And the story. Nothing happens most of the time but when something does happen someone goes "Move along child. I'll handle this". Trash game.
I will always remember the first time I played my brothers copy of Blue. I loved it so much I asked my mother for it for Christmas. In the middle of August. But Pokémon was antiquated when it released in 97. Now after Gold adding so much QOL and Fire Red being a thing it's at the bottom.
Yellow would have been higher if Let's Go didn't exist because it provides a unique experience nothing else does. You are in the anime. Jesse, James and Meowth (that's right) are here. The gym leaders look like they do in the anime. You get every starter. Officer Jenny is here. But like I said Let's Go are sneaky Remakes of Yellow which means it now sits at the bottom with the rest of the originals.
Gold/Silver is one of the best Gameboy games. But like all the original Pokémon games they feel 5 years older than they are and I really would never suggest playing them when the Remakes exist. BUT. Crossing the river and looking at that map and seeing you're back in Kanto is one the greatest moments in gaming for me. The ACTUAL greatest moment however is going through the Kanto League getting all those badges, beating the Kanto Elite Four THEN going to Mount Silver to face Red in a final battle. But that is a one time personal experience and that same experience is in the remakes so bottom.
Not much to say about Crystal that I haven't said about the other Originals. If you are going to play an OG Pokemon play this one. Still. Bottom.
This game showed me that a Pokémon game can be bad. I dropped the series after Diamond because I thought I was growing out of it. Turns out Diamond just sucks. Thanks Y! Your excellence in mediocrity has broadened my horizons.
Brilliant Diamond does not insult me as much as Sword/Shield does. It's honestly a much better game . But much like a gifted student that hands you a test that gets a B: This B is bullshit, do better. Since when are the remakes worst than the originals? And the chibi style is especially insulting because I was excited to play a "normal" Pokémon that looks like Sword/Shield. Platinum blows this out of the water. Play that.
I dropped the Pokémon series for about 6 years after beating Diamond because I was in Highschool and getting older and didn't feel the same way about the series that I did when I was younger. That led me to believe that I had grown out of it. Of course it turns out it was a bit of that plus I just don't like Diamond. Chimchar still best starter though.
IGN was right. There is entirely too much water in this Gen. That of course was about the Remakes but it fits for the originals. You already have Surf and Whirlpool. Ruby/Sapphire introduces Waterfall and Dive. Still holds up but I would suggest playing Emerald if you're going to play this gen. In general the Third versions are always going to be the way to go.
Good game. Recommend. However. Stop when you hit credits because what lies beyond is the most frustrating human being in existence. Fighting Deoxys in space was baller though.
Ultra is good. I rank it below Sun/Moon because some of the changes felt like the writers back dashing away from some of the themes. Toning down Lusamine for example. Still probably your best option for this gen.
Has a much better post game than Alpha/Omega. Mostly because Zinnia doesn't exist. And I mean that literally. Alpha/Omega's post game confirms that the remakes are set in an alternate universe. She doesn't exist in this universe. Made this a 10/10 honestly. Also just a mighty fine Pokémon game and my favorite of the "classic" games. Everything after this doesn't have the same feel of the first 3 gens.
Didn't like it as much as the first but was still top tier. Had some cool set pieces too.
Platinum is one of the best Pokémon games ever made and a huge step up from Diamond/Pearl. I quite Pokemon for years because I thought I was growing out of the series. I played Platinum much later though. Just before Scarlett released. Best game that gen honestly. That includes Heart/Soul.
Sun/Moon is really close to a slam dunk. I really like the change in structure. I like having no Gyms and no League. I like the setting. Team Skull is the best team the games have ever had. I like having actual JRPG bosses with mechanics. I don't like the massive backdown of having Lusamine turn into a Resident Evil like abomination to then just throw a pokeball and battle normally. But the biggest insult, the greatest backdown in the history of backdowns is "Actually we just decided to start a Pokeleague. Fight our new Elite Four we just formed". Cowards. Still one of the best games in the series.
Gen 1 as a game sucks and was antiquated when it was released. The series as a whole takes inspiration from Dragon Quest V. That was 92. Gen 1 was 5 years later and plays a little worst than DQ1. A game released in 86. Gen 1 plays like a 10 year old game and runs worst. This remake was desperately needed. An excellent remake of a really special game in my heart.
Nothing in gaming will ever make me feel the way I felt the first time I realized I was in Kanto in Gold/Silver. And nothing will ever match the moment I stepped into the last room at the top of Mount Silver and came face to face with Red. This game did not give me that feeling back but It gave me a top notch game to go with those memories and that puts it near the top.
For years I cried out to Arceus for a remake of Yellow. And he answered "Sure. Hey you like Pokémon Go right?". I don't like Go and I was very upset when they said that was an inspiration but it works. Playing this game one handed cuddled under a blanket with my puppy was a good experience. This and Arceus put more focus on just running around and catching Pokémon. This doesn't even have random battles. A very chill game. I didn't know this was a remake of Yellow at first. Having Pikachu/Evee follow you around kinda clued me in but then Jesse, James, and Meowth (that's right) showed up. Very pleased.
Black is the reason I am a Pokémon fan on this day. I dropped the series at Diamond because I didn't quite like it and I thought I was growing out of the series. After eventually skipping gen 5 entirely I played X. And it. Was. GARBAGE. Things started to click so I played Ruby for the first time. It was good. That is when I made a grand discovery. Diamond and X are bad. So I decided to play Black for the first time. Black, until the post game, has nothing but new Pokémon and new locals. I just remember walking through the grass with Porkchop my trusty BBQ pig and having a Pokémon show up and just go "What is that?" I hadn't felt that in a Pokémon game in years. I also didn't know Black/White was harder so that was cool. Pokémon was challenging for the first time since I was 7. The music is top notch, best in series. N is my favorite Rival and the battle with him and everything leading up to it is Pokémon at its best. What Happened?
Arceus be praised! Would be at the top of this list if Scarlett didn't exist. One of Game Freaks best efforts. I played this before I played Platinum so I had no love for gen 4. This game is just good. I was a little worried that it would be the standard for Pokémon games going forward so I was glad Scarlett was more "traditional". This is a must play.
Oh Scarlett. You are a testament to to the idea of not judging a book by it cover. New Pokémon Snap was released less than a year before this and looks immaculate. Scarlett looks like knockoff phone game. Runs like one too. But Scarlett is at the top. Why? Because this game is finally actually open world. OG Pokémon had one point in the game where it was open And that was the point after the casino basement. You go to the tower in Lavender town and get the Pokeflute. From there you can either go the Saffron conquer Silph Co, open up and beat Saffron Gym. Or you can go to Fuschia beat Fuschia Gym get surf from the Safari and strength from the old man. The game expects you to beat Saffron first but you can do either. Scarlett has three main quest. Beat the Gyms, Beat the delinquents, and Beat the Titans. You can finish any of those quest at any time in any order you want. They have a set level and if you get Badge 5 first 1-4 are going to be a cake walk. And dungeons are back! Actual cave you go in and explore and find things. And Scarlett has a final boss. Like an actual JRPG certified Final Boss. I haven't stop thinking about this game since I beat it. Pokémon is back baby.


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