Not the best racer out there, but still a lot of fun.

Awful game. Felt bad to play despite cabinet being immaculate. Made worse by the fact it was right next to the original Donkey Kong.

A really fun but basic Capcom Beat em Up. This of course means it's better than most games on the market. They gotta bring this back somehow.

Fun but slow paced Shmup. I play mostly Bullet Hells though. A classic in every way.

I really like this game. It's trying to look like a 90s Boomer Shooter but plays like Doom 2016. It's a combination of that really comes together nicely. I didn't like any of the weapons. They all felt slightly off. But the ending rivals Rage for most disappointing. It's probably worst to be honest. Rage got a cutscene that didn't make any sense. Prodeus gets a text box telling you you beat the game. I thought that maybe like the Boom Shoots of old there was some separate episodes available that wraps everything up. There isn't, games done. Baffling.

A fun trip through ancient Greece that ends with a whimper. Is gonna be my last Assassins Creed though.

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A good game with a very frustrating tale attached. The gameplay and the mechanics are immaculate. The action is smooth as butter and each character feels unique. 10/10 no notes. Id can die in a fire though. Why they thought throwing a wet blanket amongst some the most charismatic characters I have ever seen was a good Idea I'll never know. But they then made him the main focus. The set pieces make up for the plots short comings. It felt like I was yelling Holy S@#$ at my TV way more than usual. Though some of that was because of the game telling me how cool Id is for the tenth time without really giving me any reason to like him. Still was an excellent game, glad its here finally. Will do post game later in the year.

Really good Kirby like. Decent challenge too. Length is a plus for me. It's nice be able to go through a game on my lunch break. Excellent effort, hope to see more out of this developer.

Another Itsuno banger. Feels like a step down from the first in a lot of ways, especially when it comes to vocations, but is still one of Capcom's best efforts. CC is top notch, combat feels good, Mage/sorcerer is still a drag. Good follow up. Would like less restrictions on what armor vocations can wear and really miss the hybrid vocations.

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Had to sit on this for awhile and get my thoughts together. FFVII has a strange place in my mind. I technically grew up with it, mostly playing the demo and hearing others talk about it but didn't beat it till 6 months before Remake released. I have issues with Rebirth but I'm not going to talk about those because they are either insignificant are intentional, like Aerith's interactions with Cloud. I will instead say that the developers have done a great job recreating and pulling some feelings I had while playing the original. I was shocked and angered by Aerith's death. That was entirely because of the ass pull that made it happen. However as I sat on those feelings I realized that they had successfully made me react to something I knew was going to happen. Something I didn't react to in the original because I had heard about it for years prior. And yet I sat there saddened and angered at the death of this character I knew was going to die simply because they presented the idea that things can be different. I was not impressed by the size of the cities and areas in the original because once again, playing a PS1 JRPG in 2019. I was blown away by Junon and the Gold Saucer. As well as the amount of things to be done in them. But the thing I am most impressed with is the expansion of the characters themselves specifically the main cast. Tifa's self esteem issues, Aerith's general confusion over her own feelings, Barret hiding survivors guilt behind righteous fury, Red XIII tone switching, the character work and voice acting is phenomenal. They have successfully created the spark that surely would have been there had I beaten the original as I child. A masterpiece. And pour one out for my boy Roche. He was #1.

Much better than the first. Decently challenging. Klonoa is still best boy.

Played out of protest after playing the demo for the remake. A fine Beat em Up. One of my favourites.

A really good Beat em up. Suffers heavily from being a Vita port. Cameras all over the place and the pointer sucks. Had a a lot of fun until the Talismans and Ancient Dragon. Your Character gets lost amongst everything happening on screen. A pulled out fixed camera option would have been great. Still a great game. Glad it exist.