Broken unfinished game carried entirely by its writing and characters. Everything about this game that wasn't people talking was a chore. Hopefully one day that won't be the norm for western games.

Excellent game. Should put in rotation for yearly playthroughs.

Decent Rolling Thunder like.

Cute game. Until the last few levels. Still enjoyed and am glad I finally beat it.

A really good game. Now my favorite Classic Vania.

An absolute classic. Was always aware of the major events of this game. But finally playing it, there's a lot no-one talks about. An excellent game with a good message about self identity.

A good game. Felt a lot like the Dungeons and Dragons games also by Capcom.

An enjoyable RPG. Not as polished as I'd like.

Excellent game. Felt the magic of Symphony and Aria all over again. Thank you Igarashi.

Fantastic game. System changes worried me at first but once I met the game eye to eye it became one of my favorite spin offs.

Was very happy with this. Glad Nintendo made it happen, glad Disney let the X-Men back in. Wasn't firing on all cylinders but still a pleasant Beat Em' Up.

Wasn't all that good but sometimes a game is more just the gameplay. This game is carried almost entirely by its charm. A norm for Gen6 games.

A great RPG. Didn't fully grasp all the systems but was still a good experience.

A fine game. A lot of fluff I would prefer was not there and the plot was lacking. But still good.

Excellent game. The arcade game of shooters. Short enough to pick it up play for an after noon.