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4 days ago

Zamish reviewed Prey
Prey may be the best mix of space sci-fi and survival horror since System Shock.

I'm not gonna lie, Prey had me scared for a good half of my playthrough. Every abandoned lobby and department of Talos 1 had me worried about what could be hiding around each corner. Walking around the rooms had me paranoid about what could be a mimic. And for how much I couldn't stand the idea that a monster could be anywhere in every place, that's what sets Prey apart from its competitors.

How Prey handles its setting and environment is nothing less than genius and makes this game a whole package. Each part of the game works together to give you a different experience depending on what build you decide on. Through hacking, tinkering, being stealthy, or just using your brute strength, Prey finds a balance in all these tactics and makes it fun for the user while not completely breaking the game.

The story of Prey also kept me wondering and is the perfect match to the creepy and disturbing scenery of Talos 1. Everything is left ambiguous and makes you wonder what is happening, who is working behind the shadows and who to trust. I also felt that the story matches the pacing of the game very well with how the story starts to pick up its pacing during the final quarter of the game and how the game turns into less of a survival horror and more of a normal immersive sim with you being more powerful with better weaponry and more perks. This made me feel like I was running towards the climax of the game and had me excited to move forward with this quicker pace.

Prey is a great game that surpassed my expectations when I played it. It scared me, it had me stressed, it made me worry, but it also empowered me and led me on a great journey that I will never forget. There's so much to do in this game, so much to explore and so much to find out. Prey has done so much for me and this will definitely not be my final time playing it.

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Zamish completed Battlefield 1

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