I came in hoping that it would not disappoint me and not only did that not happen but its also one of my fav games of all time now, Falcom thank you for shackling me once again

Sure I think the narrative is basic for jrpg standards, and the animation isn't exactly the best, but other than that its just pure magic. From the vibrant personalities of the main 6 party members, some of the best npcs, beautiful settings, side quests that end up being rewarding in the long run, easily one of the best OSTs in anything I ever experienced, this game captures the essence of adventure, wonders, growth and connections while also understanding why I love Falcom games through and through. The combat actually feels great in comparison to Celceta, but maybe that's just because I'm playing on controller this time.

I feel like the game does have quite a few flaws, like some of Dana's PoV being a bit tedious to get through at times but man the stuff that appeals to me in this game is unreal.

I fucking love everything about this game bruh Unwavering Belief saved my life

I think this might be the peak of RGG games for me, the already great combat in Judgment is further enhanced, side content is varied, the sub-stories felt less in quantity compared to most Yakuza games but its still as funny and heartfelt as before, Ijincho looks incredible in Judgment's tone and setting, the dynamic sequences are easily the best in the series, banger after banger tracks and easily the most complex and nuanced story in any game I've played so far.

It goes without saying that I love Yagami, Kaito and the boys but this game also boasts the best antagonist cast in the whole series on par with Y0. It is a bit sad to see some people not caring about the plot as its one that hooked me throughout and strikes a chord with me, almost to an uncomfortable degree at times and at the end I am left with emptiness and a clash of internal beliefs that will probably stick with me for a long time

When a series can make you have a fun time with the combat yet manages to be one of your favorite stories told it really is something special. I love RGG and Nagoshi so much for these games man

This is not a story of heroes

Fate/Stay Night bros quaking in fear. Kageaki triumphs all. Shirou Emiya in the mud

This review contains spoilers

(Spoilers ahead)
(idk why I marked it as spoiler and it's still not for me lmao)

Kiwami 1 has been a really interesting one for me, on one hand it really feels like a dated first game in a few ways from story to side content. I'm not someone who notices poorly implemented stuff really easily on first watch if I'm immersed but even I noticed how ass and reused like 80% of the sub-stories are, which they clearly brought forward from the OG first game. The story feels like a very dated and underdeveloped love story with uninteresting parts in the middle, and most of the side content and fighting mechanic is the same stuff carried from and done better in 0, but I definitely understand since they came out around the same time and this was meant to be the first game, and at the end of the day I still enjoyed it regardless.

Now to the positives which outweighs the negatives for me easily, the start and ending to the story is really good. I definitely wished Nishiki was developed more but considering how he was in the OG game I'm satisfied with it. Seeing him spiral into envy, mistrust and hatred towards everyone around him due to the stigma surrounding Kiryu was tragic and inevitable. It's heartbreaking caring for someone as you sworn brother, knowing how to made them suffer then have everyone say you are inferior in every way, as you lose everything important to you. I also love the significance and symbolism of the final battle, the koi swimming up the river eventually turning into a dragon, in a way it represents in the final battle that Nishiki was on the verge or was on equal terms with Kiryu and I love it, all the while For Whose Sake was playing, RGG really knows how to make a great final boss. Kiryu's perspective is also really interesting as a civilian who he lost everything except Haruka by the end of Kiwami in contrast to 0 where he was still a hopeful rising yakuza. Listening to Tonight -restart from this night- really hits different after this too. There's not a lot of side character that are memorable but I still really like Date and Shinji.

Now to Majima Everywhere, which is still the most memorable part of the game, overall it was a blast. I did get REALLY annoyed towards the end because I fought him like at least 60 times and some with like 5 health bars and I was getting like super tired, but I still love the mechanic. His interaction with Kiryu in this game are gold, all bangers. Whenever he just shows up to ambush you from the sewers when you are low on health is the most rage-inducing yet funniest thing of all time and it is absolutely cathartic. It's a nice test going up against all four of his styles. I also love that you get to challenge him in minigames. The highlight moments include when you lose to him in bowling and he does the mr walking erection turkey dance, truly a peak gaming moment. Also when he discovers Kiryu's pocket circuit stadium and Kiryu begging him to leave his haven and willingly wants to fight him while Majima wants to play, I love both of them so fucking much man. Not to mention Goromi, Zombie, Idol and Officer Majima, he is truly the greatest achievement in gaming history.

Fuck me man two games in and I'm already on my knees. I'm so invested in the world and characters of Liberl man. Estelle and Joshua 🥲

Crow saved this game so hard wbk

Best starting entry, best main cast and probably one of my favorite protagonist of all time already as well. I think one of the biggest reason Kuro works is that it's desperately the type of game Trails needs, overtime even though I fucking love Trails there definitely has been many problems and tropes especially in the Cold Steel that did bugged people including me. While Kuro definitely isn't perfect it does take steps to improve on that while still keeping all the elements of a Trails game that I came to love. The new combat system got bad responses upon release but I actually really like the field + shard system, Hajimari and Cold Steel 4's battle system was already great and almost perfected so it was hard to see where it could go from here. They implement mechanics and different quartz system which is fresh and I could see being really fun in the future.

One of the coolest things in the story is how they utilize the wide cast of characters and world building. Van being someone "who walks in the realm of bluish-black" like he said is already someone familiar with the way the world works, making connections with pre-existing and new parties along the story culminating in one of the most fun chapters at the end I had in a while. I love every single one of the main party cast introduced, Agnes and Aaron definitely being my fav, the way everyone of them offers something to the group dynamic is so good and I can't believe I'm already as attached to them as I am. The story gets a bit slow around Chapter 3 and 4 but man everything else is peakkkk. Almata aren't the best group of villains ever but they certainly did their jobs and all had a memorable narrative role. The whole ending section really was a journey, me making this far into it and putting countless hours, was definitely worth the grind, seeing the conclusion to Van's character arc in this story was really an indescribable feeling and one of the reviews here goes more details into it (damn I can't believe I actually managed to write all this without mentioning much major spoilers lol)

Tldr 10/10 top 1 in fiction I'm done.. but if they make Kuro 2 and future games better than this and Hajimari it's fucking over man

FFX is def a game I appreciate the more I play it. I think the two main things that drawn me in were how good Tidus and Yuna's development and relationship were, as well as Spira as a setting thematically. Spira represents a cycle of false hope, trapped in a never ending spiral of despair, loss and grief so seeing the main characters having to overcome and break through is powerful. It also has one of the most emotional conclusions to any game I've experienced.

The gameplay was surprisingly innovative, this is the first time I seen such a leveling system that does not revolve around leveling and weapons not having stats. If you know what you are doing there are so many ways you can play these characters its amazing. I think with a bit of polish it could have been one of the best combat systems. FFX is also a game that encourages all party members involvement so there is a nice cohesion that ties into the idea of connection of the game brilliantly.

The graphic were incredible for its time but yeah it def doesn't hold up as well for me outside of parts of Spira looking really good. The dub is also kinda eh. I didn't enjoy most of the side content and I think some of the main party members and most of the side characters were quite average which were things holds it back for me, but still a really great game and I see the Final Fantasy vision now

Yakuza 5 is massive, one of the most ambitious things I've seen RGG attempted and how they managed to make a game on this scale that is this good is actually insane. 5 playable characters, each with their own fully fleshed out main quest, game mode side stories and substories, 5 breathtaking cities packed with so many familiar and fresh activities, 5 fucking finale chapters that ties everything before it together better than Yakuza 4 did, this game took me 2 months to finish the main story, more than 70 hours played, and I still barely scratch the surface of the amount of content it has to offer.

This is one of the most beautiful games I played in terms of the landscape. I always love designs of serene and breathtaking Asian cities so exploring places like Nagasugai and Tsukimino was such a treat. The combat also feels a lot more refined, this game came out just before Yakuza 0 and I'm happy that a lot of the things I loved in the latter were started to be implemented in this game.

The plot of the game might be messy at first glance but I love the overarching theme of dreams and fulfillment. Kiryu's part was amazing from start to finish with his struggle of being unable to escape his past, Saejima's section was tedious gameplay wise but I still loved his character moments so it didn't really detract much for me, Akiyama's didn't really had much plot relevance but I argue he doesn't really need to since he already encapsulates the idea presented in this game really well and every moment he is on screen he continues to steals the show. I surprisingly love the Haruka parts because its so different from what we usually get in Yakuza games, its really interesting to see the change in perspective in people just living normal lives and striving towards their dreams. Shinada is my favorite addition to the series and has my favorite part in this game, the last moment with him in this game made my cried so hard man.

Yakuza 5 is one of those instances where I understand perspectives of people who both love and dislike the game. Yakuza 5 is far from perfect, it has a lot of good in it, but its also because there just so much of it, its mixed with a lot of slow and tedious sections and enemy encounter rates that want to pull my hair out especially in Tsukimino, but it also has chicken racing, idol simulator, some absolute banger fights and music, that are some of the best in the series and a lot of memorable characters and activities. It's actually quite a chill, feel-good and comforting game in contrast to some of the others like 0, Kiwami 2 and 4 which were all intense and exciting. I feel like its one of those media I'll come back to a lot just because I vibe with it on a personal level and take my time reflecting on it.

Suda-chan was pretty weird, but his philosophy's right on. There's a real man.

- Goro Majima

Outside certain parts in the middle like Chapter 7 being slow, straight up perfect game that kept me hooked from start to finish. Amazing balance between the suspense of the mystery crime thriller drama and chemistry between the boys in the Detective Agency which is all the hallmarks and strengths of a good RGG game. I love how this game gives us a different perspective, it has a more grounded feeling compared to the Yakuza games as we view Kamurocho from the lens of families not on top of the chain yet the stakes are just as high.

Yagami's character writing in this game from start to finish is absolutely brilliant. He's already one of my favorite characters in RGG with the way his story arcs unfolds where he ran away from the truth for the longest time yet still being the one who strives towards justice. The ending to the game was also haunting, they really should have been the main title Judge Eyes cuz of how well it ties into the ending fr.

Every game RGG has made since Yakuza 0 onwards have been non stop bangers, its only upwards from here

I'm just gonna say if you don't like this game this series ain't for you bro

this felt like the longest fucking game in existence I swear to god, but it was fun

Really good game. Story wise its a bit simple and straightforward for a Yakuza game but when the big moments hit it delivers. Ichiban is one of the best protagonist introductions and its no wonder why everyone loves him. The man wears his heart on his sleeves and is the most positive and lovable character in a endearing way. I was really invested in everything tied to the Arakawa family and Ichiban's past and its really what drives this story forward for me.

The game has great fanservice and passing of the torch, turn based gameplay that once you get used to its really addicting, and one of the best final chapter climax, among the higher tier RGG games for sure.