pretty fun. gameplay is much better than 2 but story and skill trees are much weaker.

This review was written before the game released

cringe smash. deserved what it got.

one of the sexiest multiplayer shooters eva. an all time great. still a crime how poorely valve has managed this game

kinda fun, most of the time kinda dogshit

i know people love raging but i think this game is genuinely in a decent state in terms of balance right now. there are still problems like the way they monetize chapters being really hard on new players. maps are still kinda all over the place, but most are okay and are an actual manageable size(there are outliers though like rpd and hawkins). balance among killers is really sad especially with some of the lower end ones who dont stand a chance if they dont use the proper build. however, for the most part this game is alright and people are little babies looking to nitpick at this point.

i do wish someone else would make an asymmetrical game to rival this because there are like no other options if i wanna play anything else in this genre.

dis one is kinda crazy how it works as well as it does. lots of nostalgic memories on this one

i like this game. the story mode is honestly not that bad as far as fighting game story modes go. probably would sooner play mk9 though