i know its just knockoff animal crossing but its my knockoff animal crossing

one of the best platform fighters around. it does not deserve any smash clone comments.

vanilla is an amazing game by its own right and the fact that they gave all of the dlc fighters away for free rivals the charity of the pope. this game modded however, is the platform fighter mugen i never knew i needed.

dog bless you fornace and i hope 2 will be just as great.

amazing igavania.

its literally so good. my favorite game in the series. the soul system is genius and works really well with the metroidvania design. the futuristic setting surprisingly works for a series that usually takes place in the past.


great roguelite. im not a big fan of the genre but this definitely made me wanna try more. made me actually like top down action.

by far my favorite RGG game so far. sadly i had to knock half a star for the shitty tailing missions and yagami's abysmal fit.

the king of looter shooters. funny as flip and got me into pc gaming in general.

amazing. definitely deserves its status in the genre. amazing metroidvania and good continuation of rondo of bloods story.

very awesome. does not deserve the minecraft comparisons.

I'm probably a little biased because this scratches the same kinda itch MGS1 did for me. Much like MGS1, this game is camp all the way and I love it.

Everything about the presentation and design of this game is so charming and makes me wish I was around to experience gaming during this period. The learning curve kinda got me mad a little for the first half of the game but after I got in the groove it was extremely satisfying and fun to run and gun in bullet time.

If I were to critique anything I would probably do something about the damage values for every gun because it can feel extremely unfair sometimes to get one shot by some goon who is just waiting for you in the corner with no indicators that there are even enemies in the area.

However, it is not too much of a problem that the game is unplayable. I heavily recommend this game if you are a fan of FEAR(duh doy) or any other super dramatic sixth generation shooters.

haha funny glitchy skate game. christ air.

sexiest mfing skating game eva. tony makes me one horny boy😁

fun co op platformer. very fun killing my friend and throwing every level.