best in the series. vaas is silly man thats abt it.

still havent really finished it. the stuff it evolves is really good but the charm its lost kinda puts it in this weird limbo state for me. maybe the more i play it the more ill enjoy the new style.

5/5 in a classroom. 3/5 anywhere else

probably objectively the best in the series

it still baffles me ubisoft made a good puzzle game

i really like this one. got me through algebra 2

marvel suberheroes punch each oter

the only shooter allowed in my house. thank you plant and zombies. also soldier was goat sauce btw

one of the best movement shooters in years. its a shame it never recieved a true sequel it deserved.

alright follow up to aria but the change in artstyle has always been a turnoff. still a great sequal just not beating the original anytime soon.

lotsa nostalgia with this one. such a unique world like holy moly. gameplay can drag but i still love thinking abt this one

this one deserved so much more. like they did nothing wrong. i hope 2 can make a comeback cuz this team deserves it

i love the civil war aspect. my dumbass little kid self thought black panther was batman for the longest time