act 1: So far, really fucking good. As my first introduction to immersive sims, I now understand the appeal. Making my own path to complete objectives in these open-ended levels feels extremely slick and satisfying to engage with. To top off all that freedom and solid level design, Fallen Aces' has this amazing 1920s comic style that makes every ending mission cutscene a treat to watch. The art, music, and UI, all come together giving this game such a strong artistic direction. The voice acting was also a pleasant surprise for a game that is still in early access. I'd give it one gabagoo out of two.

it's weird given the amount of time I have spent playing this game but there isn't a lot I feel needs to be said. everything about this is such a magical experience. I will cherish that first playthrough for years to come.

the only real gripe I had with this game was the myriad of technical issues that followed my playthrough. animations were slow to render, textures and models popping in way too late, and lots and lots of crashes. unless you have a SSD I would buy this with caution as long as you can stomach some classic western RPG bugginess.

somehow besides all that I still loved every minute of it. few games have captured my attention and thoughts for such a sustained period of time. every character and companion is so three-dimensional, fully voice acted, and accounts for the hundreds of decisions you could make in any single given playthrough.

also holy shit this game has opened my eyes to the crpg genre. this game was the gateway drug and has me extremely interested in the original fallout and other games of this genre.

overall, good game would recommend.

this is basically just dmc1 with extra sauce. everything feels ten times better: combat, story, secret levels.

the few things i missed from dmc1 is probably just guns being a bit more useful. one thing i liked about dmc1 was the ability to use guns with dt to get quick health back and that has basically been taken out entirely and the only way to get health is through high combos and killing people. this is a non issue really but it did make me sad.

extremely solid and now im kind of sad i didnt try some of the other rereleases that added style switching and other shenanigans because i felt kinda locked into the style i chose since leveling styles seemed like a bitch to do more than one in a playthrough.

dante has also become one of my favorite video game protagonists of all time. good stuff all around.

this shit is so stinky. i could only stomach two missions before tapping out. thank god this wasnt the end of the franchise

internet shock value game. the instant trend chasing freaks like matpat got their grubby mitts on this game it was all over

this game is so fucking sick and its baffling that they havent done this style of game again

By far the best-designed and best-feeling gameplay in the series. The animation-based shooting can be a little annoying when my cursor is over an enemy and I have to wait for Max to move his fat fingers in the right direction but this wasn't frequent enough to ruin my experience.

My only gripe with this one is that the story is kinda really shit in comparison to the other two. idk if all Rockstar games have this kinda writing but Max Payne was such a dolt for most of the story. There would be times when I would barge in through a window and headshot a dozen enemies before I even hit the floor and then the next second in a cutscene Max walks in on three enemies with his gun aimed at them but instead of doing anything to stop them he just kinda watches them kill his clients directly in front of him. This sort of situation somehow happens twice. There are also several times where Max is threatened out of his guns and weapons by common thugs and he puts up no fight, always saying some stupid shit like "no hablar espanol."

I did like the little nods to the previous games but I still feel like this one's attempts to separate itself from the other two only really hurt it in the long run. Story gripes aside, Max Payne 3 is still a really solid 3rd person shooter that at its best, has nothing else really like it.

The story is not as punchy as 1's but you can tell that Sam Lake is starting to get his footing as a writer here and I respect the more meta and almost self-parodying direction this one took. Some say the game is easier but it felt just the same to me, it's just that the controls are far smoother so I felt like I was fighting the enemies more than the controls this time. I am shown once again that it would be really cool to get addicted to painkillers.

I'm probably a little biased because this scratches the same kinda itch MGS1 did for me. Much like MGS1, this game is camp all the way and I love it.

Everything about the presentation and design of this game is so charming and makes me wish I was around to experience gaming during this period. The learning curve kinda got me mad a little for the first half of the game but after I got in the groove it was extremely satisfying and fun to run and gun in bullet time.

If I were to critique anything I would probably do something about the damage values for every gun because it can feel extremely unfair sometimes to get one shot by some goon who is just waiting for you in the corner with no indicators that there are even enemies in the area.

However, it is not too much of a problem that the game is unplayable. I heavily recommend this game if you are a fan of FEAR(duh doy) or any other super dramatic sixth generation shooters.

this game is perfect. when you save townspeople they all have their own wacky thank you animations with some of them literally shaking their ass for you. this game's story is like the best parts of resident evil 4 turned up to 11, and it is amazing. somehow they also pulled off a character action game with tank controls? like how? mikami is a genius and this game is just a testament to how well he understands the medium. and to top it all off there is a guerrilla suplex button, how could i not give it 5 stars?

peaked a little early with the siberia level. it is a very fun and arcadey shooter that knows its thing and does it decently well. little archaic sometimes with its objectives which got annoying by the end. but it was short and sweet and id recommend blasting through it in an afternoon if you have the time.

by far my favorite RGG game so far. sadly i had to knock half a star for the shitty tailing missions and yagami's abysmal fit.

this was so conceptually cool. i need to return to this soon™