101 Reviews liked by Ren_

how can i buy three houses when most people my age cant even afford one?

Do I have problems with the story? Yes. With the gameplay too? Yes. Do I still love the game? Absolutely.

A wonderful three pronged story - albeit with some holes depending on the route you take. Alas, the gameplay doesn't feel as engaging as it could be.

Edelgard, sucia fascista.

Probablemente el Fire Emblem con peor diseño de niveles.

May or may not be my favorite game

Im astonished that I got 3/4 through this game

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(Played Azure Moon)
Game was good but rodrigues death shouldve been a cutscene
Also Silver Snow isnt even about rhea from what ive seen wtf

This is the worst thing I ever played.

currently running a playthrough of all the routes and slowly going through all of them it's a fun game but the writers should stick to one path their games are better when they do.

Ass graphics aside, still the best switch game

I'm on my third playthrough of this game and there's still stuff i don't know about the world and some characters. this game is so jam-packed with detail it's crazy. the characters and the worldbuilding is amazing. favorite game of all-time easily. sometimes i just wish it wasn't a TRPG so more people could experience this story since this genre isn't for everyone.

- Battle, character customisation is amazing.
- School intermission is always a nice break from constant battles.
- Artwork is amazing (except from character sprite during battles)
- 3 main characters and 3 completely different storylines to play. Does create a very strong bond between players and house picked.

- Animations could have a little more variation.
- Character animation and design (becomes boring after a few battles in).
- Those random mob spawn in mid battle can be annoying.

- Fishing.
- Performance and character sprite (low-res).
- Romance option (where are the good LGBT ones).

Dividido em três caminhos originais, Three Houses aborda uma narrativa de fantasia épica de um modo que beira e excelência, gameplay recompensadora e inteligente.

That was amazing, I loved everything about this game the great characters, visuals, ost, gameplay and the intriguing story. Easily this game has one of the best cast I've seen.

I can safely say that it became one of my favorite video games.