101 Reviews liked by Ren_

The peak of the persona franchise. Everything from the social links to the settings is intricately woven to deliver an unforgettable experience.

gostei como ele é mais ofensivo do que os outros souls e a mecânica da arma mudar de formato é pika demais me diverti muito jogando

Increíble videojuego, perfecto en casi todos sus aspectos flaquea en ciertas cositas pero no le quita lo bueno que es. Una banda sonora que te deja atónito, un apartado artístico junto con una ambientación sencillamente impresionantes junto con un diseño de niveles de otro mundo, el lore es demasiado bueno, su forma de usar el terror cósmico y presentarte sus temas es exquisito, además del cambio de tonalidad a mitad de juego es tremendo. El DLC es la ascensión al cielo y la batalla contra Ludwig de lo mejorcito en los videojuegos. Los cálices son el punto mas bajo del juego por su repetitividad y después de un tiempo llegan a ser demasiado tediosos aunque tienen algunos jefes muy buenos, Obra maestra

I loved the combat, story, and characters. Seeing the story unravel from different perspectives was interesting and I like how the story changed just enough during different paths to keep it interesting.

The class change system was interesting since you could have a character basically do whatever you wanted. Obviously, characters were meant for certain paths due to the growth proficiencies, but you could totally ignore that if you wanted. I thought I would have an issue with the lack of a weapon triangle, but it never bothered me. I like divine pulse so that I could play the game without worrying about having to reset for a tiny mistake. However, they were definitely much too generous with the number of charges.

For my first playthrough, I really enjoyed learning about the characters and exploring the monastery, but the monastery got super tiring during subsequent playthroughs.

cool game, but i wish you didnt have to play the game like five time to get all of the lore because thinking about having to replay the first half over and over again is exhausting

I've only played half of Awakening before jumping into this game and it blew me away! This game has the best voice acting ever! I only completed through the Golden Deer route and it took me 80 hours so I don't know when I'll get around to playing the other 2 routes but when I do I expect another fantastic journey.

This game made all my friends really unfunny. Fun game but the beginning is so slow it kills any chance I'll replay it.