101 Reviews liked by Ren_

Played Golden Deer and am in the process of playing Blue Lions, very good.

Edelgard is the best written character of all time in any media in my opinion and the graphics are pretty and the worldbuilding is amazing and the combat is good whew love it

I’d say it’s pretty fun and polished. Don’t go on Twitter after finishing.

I too love entering into relationships with former students

I don't think I've ever played a game like this, they achieved something quite special.

The first route you play is going to be very influential since that is how you are going to interpret the story and it is probably going to be the characters and the ideal that you have the most affection for.

Each route has its weight and I strongly recommend playing them all, don't get stuck with just one.

Each faction has its point of view and each route has its pros and cons to be considered canon or not, really at the end of the day the game doesn't really have antagonists (with a few exceptions) or a canon route, it all depends on the perspective and what is the ideal you want to follow.

The story has really epic moments and many others that are going to make you feel countless emotions, and it intensifies more with each new route you do since you are going to know all the background of the characters from other routes.

This new entry also adds a new free roam mode where you can walk and interact with other characters in the school, to be honest, is cool at the beginning, and talking with each character in the school is always cool but regarding the activities, there's not that much to do, and the few activities that are available don't really matter that much, so at the end of the day, you will just probably just go talk and skip most activities because they're just there to get a few goodies and to make the game longer, they get kinda monotone and boring.

The soundtrack has really memorable songs and in summary it is good, the weakest area of the game is definitively the graphics, many low-quality textures, and many scenarios that do not look that good, the character models are probably one of the few only things that it looks really good in terms of visuals along with the cutscenes.

Leaving that aside strongly recommended title!

My first route was Crimson Flower (Edelgard's Route)

And I did each one in the following order:
Crimson Flower (Edelgard) > Silver Snow (Church) > Azure Moon (Dimitri) > Verdant Wind (Claude)

edelgard: did you remember to take your meds or are we on a date right now?

Honestly an underwhelming game with poor pacing and disappointing replays when you have to slog through the social activities and pre-timeskip game every time in a game clearly meant to be played at least 3 times. Characters are fleshed out, but ultimately not particularly enjoyable. A fun first playthrough, but very little more.

man. tactics games are not for me. also the overarching plot of this game does not compel me. howver i am plucking out all of my individual little children and carrying them away to have fulfilling personal arcs

Oh, yeah. This series just ain't for me.

Antes del time skip es demasiado aburrido

This is better than the 64 version, it's not even a contest

Masterpiece in gaming history and one of the best Zelda games. Still, it isn't perfect.

An excellent remake of an excellent game.