Really good but lacks that "flair" that the Yakuza series have and drags on a little too much

Valve have the limitless potential to make a half life 3

Cacete muito melhor que o primeirokkkkkk

A atmosfera do primeiro podem ser melhor e os gráficos basicamente iguais, mas em termo de gameplay tem nem comparação

Peak fiction tbh
And goated OST

I'm ready, dragon's dogma 2.

Definition of wasted potential.

The last bit of the game killed It for me


The first Fallout game made by Bethesda is also the first mainline 3D game in the franchise that proved to have great potential beyond the isometric experience of the first two games, but the depth of both the story, dialogue, characters and variety of weapons leaves something to be desired, especially as they are strengths of its predecessors and then its sequel, New Vegas, which manages to improve and evolve almost all aspects of fallout 3

Joshua carries this DLC hard

just good from the point of view of a big fan and pokemon enthusiast, but as a game in general, lets go eevee fails in many ways, such as combat mechanics and exploration

the graphics and the music are good, but all the rest of the game is really bad