Not quite as funny as it thinks and sometimes seriously unsettling. A story that can only be told in a video game.

A lot of fun, even if rough and unfinished around the edges. Nice looking fighters and environments. Gory and over the top as you would expect.

Aesthetically awesome and occasionally sweaty blast 'em up. Mechas are very cool, my dudes.

Surprisingly unsurprising another one of those. Next-generation role-playing game it is definitely not. Maybe next time, Todd.

Worthy successor to the best CRPG ever made. Besides some overly horny writing and minor technical quips, it is hard to find a negative to point at. An amazing video game without any mtx bullshit or paywalled content. Bravo!

Played through The Lost Legacy in this collection, as it was the only Uncharted I never played to completion. Undoubtedly gorgeous visual and the same rascal of a story you've come to expect. The Lost Legacy is short but sweet, predictable and by the book. Proves that you don't really need a Drake to make an Uncharted game.

It is very dumb, but also a lot of fun. Story is intriguing despite being presented in a really weird way. Here's hoping for more content and long-lived support for years to come.

Dropkicking zoms is fun, but it is only fun for so long. And no technical system of flesh and gore is going to save this title from mediocrity.

Procedurally generated areas in a third-person shooter, that borrows heavily from Dark Souls sounds interesting, and Remnant 2 mostly is just that. Bad itemization and progress, plus some oddly formulaic story tropes holds this title back from being truly special. It is cool to finally see UE5 games in action.

Still plagued by performance issues and lacking variety. There is a solid core here, but it is no Monster Hunter. Yet.


I do not care about F1, or motor sport, or any sport, at all. So it came to me as a bit of a surprise when I really enjoyed the story mode of this sharp and precise racing game. Racing with Formula 1 car is intense and relentless, but also nuanced and very technical. It is a lot of fun!

Does not overstay its welcome but has the underpinnings of an even more ambitious RPG. Overall, a solid and thoroughly enjoyable Star Wars story.

USG Ishimura is the real star here. Fuck this ship.

Promising start and authentic Aliens vibes, but I could not bring myself to finish it when the endgame began. Plagued with technical issues and story feels hollow and mundane.

Short but interestingly scary experiment. Simplistic as a game, rich as an experience.